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Time feels so long today and my unit feels so empty.
I’m just here lying at the sofa, staring at the ceiling and trying to figure out what to do to ease the boredom.

I sighed. I miss him already.

Why didn’t I ask him if I could come with him earlier?
Nah. I bet I will be just a hindrance on his work.

I just keep checking my phone if there’s any text or did I already missed his call but there’s none.

It’s already past 3 in the afternoon. Maybe he is still working or he is resting.

Off, don’t you dare flirt with other girls there or else you’ll be a mess when you’re back here you’ll see.

Gosh. What am I thinking? Don’t over think Gun. Just trust Off.

I was shocked when my phone suddenly ring that it fell on my nose.

Damn it.

I check the caller ID while caressing my nose. And it was Off. I hurriedly slide the answer button.

“Hey, Gun Lek. I miss you.”
That’s what he said after I picked up the call.

I can’t help but to smile.

“You just leave a few hours ago, you know.” I teased him.

“I know, and this is getting difficult for me. I miss you already.”

“You’re only a week----

*Mr. Adulkittiporn here are the----

“Gun Lek, the clients are here. I have to go. I love you.”

“Oh. Okay I---

Before I could finish my sentence, he already hanged up.

I sighed while staring at Off’s name at the top of my call logs. He’s really busy right now. I guess we will be like this for a week.

But the one week that he promised to me got broken and I don’t know what the hell is going on.

Two and a half weeks had already passed but he is not yet home and I am getting worried.

He is not texting me and he rarely even call.

He is calling late sometimes at night but I couldn’t pick it up because I am already sleeping and when morning came when I am trying to reach him, his phone is turned off.

I can’t help but to get worried. All I know is that he got extended because there’s a conflict on his work. But at least he should let me know what he is doing. Is he well? Is he taking care of himself? Is he eating on time?

I looked like paranoid boyfriend here but I can’t help but to think things.

Papii 02-213****

"Gun Lek. I have to stay here for few more days. Got a problem on my work. Take care. I’ll be back. I love you.”

I just kept on reading the last text that he sent to me when he is on his day 4 in Chiang Mai. 

2 weeks had already passed what the hell is going on now?
I’m just kept on focusing on the good things that I created on my head about what is happening to Off.

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