Truth or Dare

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Melody Lovegood

The next morning, we were at breakfast in the Great hall. While we were finishing up eating, Ron says, "What can we do today?" "Let's play truth or dare!" Fred suggested. We all agreed, so after we were done eating we went to the main outdoor corridor. We all sat in a circle and it was Fred, then on his right it was Elianna, Louis, Harry, Hermione, Luna, Ron, me, George, and Draco. Fred started off by saying, "No hard feelings it's just a game."

Ron said," Louis! Your dare is to confess your feelings for Padma Patil." Louis looked at him crazy. "What?!? No, I can't do that." "Give up so easily already?" George laughed. Ron pulls out the Verita serum and hands it to Louis. "What do I need this for?" Fred goes, "Oh I forgot to tell you mate, when we play truth or dare, we always bring out the Verita serum so there is no lies told. So you have to take a sip of it and tell us a truth since you don't wanna do the dare." Louis then took a sip as everyone looked at him. "Feel anything?" I asked. "No.." "Do you fancy Luna?" Harry asked. He shouted, "LUNA AND I ARE DATING!" Luna got red and said, "Surprised guys." The boys were shocked and they didn't know that the girls and I knew so we all just acted surprised. We all said that we were happy for the both of them and moved on to the next person.

"Elianna!" Draco said. "I dare you to kiss me," he said with a smirk on his face. "WHAT?" both George and Elianna said. We didn't know if Elianna and George were dating so we all looked at each other and at them like, what is she gonna do?? "No, she can't do that." George said so mad. "Yeah, I agree aghah :)" "Okay, then I guess you have to take the truth serum." "Okay fine, just as long as I don't have to kiss you," she laughed. Elianna took a sip and Draco asked, "Do you fancy me?" I COVERED MY MOUTH AND WAS LIKE WHA- WOAHHH! But I really did wanna know what she was going to say because like I said before, we didn't know if she was dating George. "No, your just my bestfriend, nothing more. I'm sorry." Draco seemed mad with her answer, but you know him, he got anger issues. Well, he got mad and he stormed off. "What was that all about?" I asked. "It's nothing," George said.

Anyway, we all were in relief because I mean we don't really like Malfoy so yeah. Then I continued it by saying, "Okay, so George. My dare to you is to kiss Elianna." They both looked at each other and Elianna looked down and swallowed hard. (DISCLAIMER: She swallowed like she was scared) George took a second and then said, "I'll do the truth serum." I handed him the serum and he took a sip. I said, "Are you and Elianna dating?" "Yes," he said. Elianna looked around, smiled and shrugged. I was happy for Elianna and George, but wondered why she didn't tell us girls or at least me and why George didn't tell Fred. It got silent after and to make it less awkward, Ron says, "Just glad you weren't dating Malfoy." We all agreed, plus like Elianna said, they were just bestfriends. Maybe Draco had feelings for her since he stormed off, but it doesn't matter now.

Next was me. Elianna called my name, UGH WHY! I REALLY DIDN'T WANT TO BECAUSE I WAS SACRED. "Melanie, I dare you to take the truth serum and answer a question from each person here." WHAT IS SHE CRAZY??? I KNOW ITS GONNA BE ABOUT RON! UGH TOO LATE NOW CUS I HAVE TO TAKE THE SERUM.  I was sacred for my life, I didn't even know if Ron and I were dating, but I mean I wouldn't be mad or have a problem if we were. I was just very overwhelmed and confused at this point. She started it off by asking, "What's one word to describe Ron?" "Oh, I mean there's not just one word, there's a lot of words to describe him." OH GOD. I see everybody smiling and I'm just felt so awkward. HE WAS SITTING NEXT TO ME TOO. Louis asked me, "What is the number one thing you like about Ron?" "I mean I don't know, there's a lot of things to like about him. I've known him since forever." Then Harry asked, "How do you feel about ME?" "I blame you for making me fall when you shoved Draco. I told you it was probably not even a big deal and plus Hermione told me what he asked her." "Did you have a crush on Louis in the beginning of the year?" Hermione asked. "Of course not, he's one of my bestfriends." Luna asked me if I liked Ron. I answered, "Yeah." At this point it was very tensed because Ron was next to ask me a question. He says, "Did you like the food on our date in the prefects bathroom?" I said, "Uhm, I questioned it because Fred and George made it, no offense, but I ate a little of it because I didn't wanna be rude." Of course he asked me about food lol, but I like food a lot too don't get me wrong. I think that there was just a lot of pressure and he didn't want to make me feel more uncomfortable. George asked how long I've liked Ron. I said, "Since second year." I COULDN"T BELIVE I JUST SAID THAT. Everybody looked shocked that I've liked him for that long. I mean even though I liked him since second year, it wasn't that big of a deal as to now. Last question went to Fred THANKGOD! I'd be done with this. "What did Malfoy say to Hermione?" "He asked her what to get Elianna for their Friendiversary." UGH! I JUST RUIENED THE SUPRISE FOR ELIANNA! Draco's gonna come for me now - Also, I think you and I both know that Ron was getting red lol! Hermione quickly looked at me. "I'M SORRY ITS THE SERUM!" "It's fine, it doesn't matter now, she knows." After I said that it kind of just got quiet.

A few minutes later, Hermione told Harry, "I dare you to ask out Ginny to the ball since we know you obviously like her." Harry looked around and back to Hermione, "Alright, if you say so, but how'd you know I liked her?" "It was pretty obvious mate," Fred said while laughing. As it happened, Ginny walked out into the outdoor corridor and waved hi at us. I told him, "Harry, this is your chance go!" He walked up to her and we all watched. They were talking and then she jumped and started screaming " Yes" while her arms around Harry. When he came back he was blushing and giggling until he muttered, "She said yes!" We all started clapping. I didn't know what to expect because we know Ginny used the love potion on Dean and just thought that idk maybe she would've said no because she likes Dean, but I'm happy she said yes to him.

Next was Hermione. Louis said, "I dare you to sneak past Dumbledore and steal the Great hall key, and tonight let's party!" I was actually excited for this one when everyone agreed! We all needed time to juts hangout and have fun because lately for me it's been stressful and a lot these past few days.

To end the game it was Fred's turn. Ron says, "Fred, I dare you to put a dead snake in the Slytherin common room." I hit Ron, but I mean it was a good idea aghaha. Fred said, "Wicked!" without hesitation, with a big smile on his face. "How on earth is he gonna get a dead snake?" Elianna asked. I yelled, "SERPENT SORTIA!" Ron had that look on his face like, "See I told you it was a good idea," I rolled my eyes and smiled. So, we all got up and ran to the Slytherin common room. We went in and thank god it was empty. Fred did the spell, killed it, put it next to the couch on the floor, and we ran out.

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