Guys we have mission


Find who beat up Austin

I know


Hannah and Zoe

Softball players


You serious

I'm not

I lifted my head and cried out


What wrong

I lifted my shirt up

Black and blue bruises

Who did this

I can't say

Why not

If I do I will be beaten and sexually molested

By who

I'm sorry I cant say

You tell me I promise

You won't tell anyone

I promise

My father beats me badly and I haven't eaten in ten days

What have you eaten

My own vomit

What kind of abuse

Kicking sexually abuse me I cried out

It okay

I had concerned feeling in my stomach like he could be dead if I don't tell anyone

Class dismiss

Austin stay behind

I walked closer

What up

I need to tell the school

If you do he'll beat me up or kill you

I know but I don't want you to hurt anymore

How long this been going

Three years mainly started because my mom left my dad

Does you sister get abused


Why did I ever catch that she on my softball team

Probably she never told you because my father threatened to kill her and me and she also threatened to rape her it pretty disgusting things he has tried to do to my sister

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