Who's that?

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DING.....DING.....DING the school bell rang signalling the end of the school day, I smiled as a grabbed my satchel and flung it over my shoulder. Time for work I thought to myself as I made my way through the chatty crowd of girls talking about god knows what.
I reached the school gates and headed to the small library where I had been an employe since the age of 15, I loved working there it was small, quiet and just had a homely feel to it. perfect for me. A small smile crept onto my face as the little shop came into sight.

I pushed the door open and walked in as the soft breeze of the summer air made a couple of lose paper blow off of the desk. I put my bag on the hook and bent down to pick the papers up "Libby, darling how was your day" alice, the owner and a of the shop and also a good friend of mine smiled down at me. alice was and older woman she was in her late fifties and had given me the job at the library when I was fifteen. "oh hello alice, I've had a lovely day how was yours?" I smiled back as she started grabbing her bag "good, it's been good so far love but I must go I have to pick my grand son up are you ok to look after the library and close it up for me?" She questioned.
"Oh yes absolutely alice, say hello to Theo for me" I chirped gaining a small nod and smile form alice as she left.
I sighed as i looked around the small place there were only two people here casually looking for books that interest them. I stayed behind the counter reading the book 'twilight', I drifted of into a day dream thinking about what it would be like to have someone love me as much as Edward loved Bella thinking about what it would be like to have my very own love story. I was snapped out of my day dream when the bell rang signalling someone had entered the small library, I looked up to see a tall boy around about my age with a messy mop of dark chestnut curls upon his head and bright emerald green eyes, walking in he looked a bit lost like he didn't know what he was really doing. I put my book down still a bit mesmerised by the boys beauty but made my way over to him "Erm can I help you with something?" I shyly asked playing with the hem of my skirt.
"Oh hi, um yes I'm looking for a book" he smiled looking down at me I gestured for him to go on "oh right you need to know what I'm looking for" he laughed a bit before continuing "I need a book on Shakespeare, for my English test" he gave me a hopeful smile while scratching the back of his neck.
"Um sure, do you want a book about him or his plays?" I asked leading him to the right section.
"I-I don't know" he scowled looking like he was really thinking about it I laughed a little and shook my head.
"Well, I think this will do then" I said still giggling a bit while handing him a book titled 'Shakespeare's life and plays (volume one)'.
"Oh thanks...."he took the book hinting for my name.
"Oh um Liberty but you can call me Libby" I smiled extending my hand for him to shake.
"Harry, nice to meet you Liberty" he shook my hand.
"Um do you have a library card or will you be reading that here?" I asked as we approached the counter.
"Oh um no, do I need one" he asked with a slightly worried expression.
"Um well yes but I can put it on my card for you until you get one" i suggested.
"That would be great, thanks Libby see you around I guess" he smiled as he walked out.
What do you think guys? Do you like it so far (even know it's only one chapter lol) but anyways any questions or suggestions for the book leave a comment and I'll get back to you!
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Check out my other book 'my new neighbour(harry styles)


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