A Cabin In The Woods

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Author: Warning this chapter will have sexual content in it. Read at your own risk. And enjoy.

...Chapter Two...
<some day we'll find what we're looking for or maybe not...Maybe we'll find something even greater then that>

Ever since that fateful day you've been dating and were both really happy together. You had your ups and downs like every other couple did. You both were definitely not perfect, that was for sure. But neither of you cared enough to listen to Raphael's brother. The first time you told the others about the two of you being together they started laughing, thinking that it was just some joke. But when they saw the look on both of your faces. They realized that you weren't kidding around. You asked them why they started laughing after they said they were dating.
The others said that they thought that the two of you were completely different people. And the fact that you were in a relationship it'll bring up more problems. Foot clan and Shredder type of problems. As they started to pin point every fear that Raphael had. He held onto your hand tightly fearing you'd let go. Afraid that after a while you'll break and say that they were right and that this was a stupid idea. He knew you shouldn't be with him, he knew that you deserved one of those human guys.
But he wanted you, he wanted you all to himself. He just got you, he finally got you in his arms. Your finally his girlfriend, he didn't want to be alone again. He can't stand it anymore, he never wants to let you go not now not ever.
You noticed his hand was holding tightly onto yours, not enough to break it but he was definitely scared. Noticing this you huffed as you looked at the others. Telling them that you didn't care. And said that people can't control what their feeling. And that the two of you were happy together. So they were just going to have to deal with the fact that you two were dating now. Sighing in relief in his head. As he got thankful that you didn't say the complete opposite of that.
You smiled and kissed his cheek when the three of them saw him blush. They laughed a little bit. And started teasing him. After a couple of weeks he dropped you off at home. You wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a hug. He went down on one knee hugging you back. He smiled as he got a whiff of your hair.
You blushed and decided to do it, you pulled out of his shoulder and smiled looking at him. He wanted to kiss you, he wanted to kiss those enchanting lips of yours. But he was scared that you wouldn't like it. Or you wouldn't want to at all because he was a mutant. When out of the blue you kissed him, his green eyes widened in shock as tears went into his eyes.
Your lips were so soft and small, they were perfect and tasted like strawberries. When you didn't feel him kiss you back. You thought that he didn't want to kiss you. So you pulled away your heart breaking a little bit. Thinking that he didn't want to kiss someone as fat as you. Only to be reeled back into his arms in an embrace by the tough brute. Your hands were on his chest as his arms were wrapped tightly around your body. You kissed him back your arms around his neck. It was a little messy and a bit rough but it was perfect. It was your first kiss as a couple and both of you knew that there would be tuns more. He couldn't believe you would want to kiss him, you a gorgeous girl wanted to kiss a hot headed mutant like him. He thought that this was a dream, but he knew that it wasn't.
You honestly you couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend. Raph treats you like the queen he thinks you are. For your birthday a couple months ago he made you a beautiful wooden turtle neck lace. He wanted to give you actual jewelry. Or an actual date on the streets and not in the lair or rooftop heck even at your place. But you loved the necklace and asked him to help you put it on.
When he did you kissed him and thanked him for the gift. Ever since the first moment you put it on, you've never taken it off. But really you do wish that every girl had a boyfriend like him. He asks you how your day went and if anything interesting happened. And if you were upset he'd take you in his arms and kiss your forehead.
Wrapping his arms strong protective arms around your body telling you how beautiful you are. And reminding you that no one in the universe compares to you. And how he'd never let anybody lay a finger on you ever again. But the best part about him was that even though he was a bit hot headed. He would always be romantic. Well try to be at least, it would either go badly or he'd end up failing the romantic part in general. But you'd always appreciated the effort he'd put into it and thank him. You loved how he was always treating every date you go on like it was the first one you both have.
On the drive to the cabin you sat in the passenger seat taking a break from driving. As Raphael sat in the drivers seat letting you close your eyes for a second. He heard you ever so slightly snore cutely. Raph looked at you you as he saw your chest lower and rise again and again. Raphael smiled with a light blush as he looked forward towards the road. You holding onto his right hand in your sleep wanting to be close to him. He still couldn't believe that you wanted to be with him even after everything that happened.
After many hours of the boring drive in the RV. With four giant really cramped up turtles. You finally made it to your destination. You were all the out skirts of no where in the middle of a great big forest with a lake near the house. The boys were amazed by the view, since they've only been in the city. And because of their looks it's hard for them to travel. So seeing the look on your boyfriends face when he saw the great outdoors for the first time. You smiled and unlocked the car as all of them looked at how big the house was.
It's been years since you've been here but it looked exactly the way you left it. A little dusty most likely but other then that. It looked like it was in good condition. And it was as beautiful as it ever was. Looking to their left they saw a the lake with the sun shinning off of it. It was like heaven but they knew that they weren't dead. They all turned to you looking at you with smiles. It was almost like they were asking for your permission through their minds.

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