Sick At Night

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Warning: This Story contains lots of Vomiting and Cricket Torture! I'd say NOT to read it if you have a weak stomach... but nobody would probably listen XD


(Also, Yes, I DID just Copy and Paste the beginning of "My Sick Prince" I was Lazy, also, it seemed to fit this first story chapter!)

It was a normal night for the Greens, as they were all asleep in their beds.

As everyone slept, Tilly had an amazing and weird dream.

In her dream, she was the queen of candy, and she ruled an entire city filled with candy.

-In Tilly's Dream-
Tilly sat in a royal chair made out of hard candy and licorice, she smiled and looked down at all of the candy, who bowed down to her, and gave her anything she wanted.

As everyone bowed, a Gummy Worm slithered infront of Tilly, who continued to smile.

"My queen, Permission to ask a question?" The gummy worm asked.

"Permission granted." Tilly replied.

"How DO you keep everything so tidy and delicious?" The gummy worm asked.

Tilly chuckled, and looked down at the piece of candy.

"Well, I ALWAYS lick off ALL or ANY dirt off the furniture, it makes them even more shinier." Tilly said.

"Ooooohhh!" Everyone said, amazed.

"I know, it's a hard duty, but as Queen, I must do my job and keep things sparkling clean, and so everyone doesn't slip in anything dirty, I also lick the floors clean." Tilly said.

Then, another piece of candy walked in, pouring Tilly some soda.

"There you go your highness." The candy said.

"Amazing! You must be very exhausted at the end of every day." Another candy said.

"Why, Yes! It is very tiring, but I do it for my fellow candies, and keeping them away from germs." Tilly said.

"Whoo-Hoo! Go, Queen Tilly, Go!" Everyone cheered, happily.

Then, another piece of candy walked upto Tilly, and poured her some soda.

"There you go, Your highness, I've added ten badges of sugar for you, as usual." The candy said.

"Thank you, Jeremy." Tilly replied, smiling and taking a sip of her drink.

After a few sips of her dream, she heard someone call out, and she stopped to reply to the candy.

"Tilly?" A voice asked, a bit weakly.

"It's 'Queen Tilly', What is it, fellow Candy?" Tilly asked.

Tilly turned to reveal a very old, moldy and sick tooth, the tooth held a bucket, and puked toothpaste into the bucket.

Big City Greens! - Cricket's Sick Day!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant