When you have a Nightmare

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JC: He will lightly shake you awake making sure your ok before pulling you closer and rubbing your back until you fall asleep.

Kian: Normally when you have a bad dream you start shaking and since he is always touching you in some way he notices and pulls you closer which helps you relax.

Oscar: Since he's so protective he'll instantly wake you up making sure your alright and stays awake until you can fall back asleep.

Will: Since you sleep with Will and London (his dog) normally when you wake up London also wakes up. And since will is such a deep sleeper he never really notices so you just pull scoot closer to London and get comfy with her fur.

Crawford: Since he can be awake all night he normally notices quickly when you have a nightmare. He'll sit up and pull you into his lap making sure you fall asleep peacefully.

Dyl: Since he's so tall he'll pull you in and you bury yourself in his chest until you can sleep again.

Danny: He ever really knows what to do when you have a nightmare he always freaks out trying to find a way to calm you down and help you sleep.

Franny: She sleeps with her head on your chest cause she likes hearing your heart beat so when it speeds up she notices which pulls her out of her sleep and she helps you fall back asleep by singing something quietly.

Nezza: She's a deep sleeper so you normally wake her up and as her to sing you to sleep. She always agrees.

Brian: Hé pops up quickly and wakes you up making sure your alright. He will lightly trace your tattoos till you sleep again.

Not bad for my first one lol.

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