Chapter Four

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It felt like forever as the four of us waited for John B to pop back out of the water. JJ, Kie, Pope and I all were waiting anxiously to see what John B would find down there. Kie seemed the most worked up as she paced the boat. I was getting more nervous watching her, pacing and biting her fingernail. 

I could feel JJ's eyes on me, but I didn't want to look over and meet them. My skin burned where I could feel his gaze. It was nothing more than a friend looking at a friend. Which is why I didn't want to look. To know the truth. To know I'd never have what I wanted.

Suddenly, John B popped his head out of the water. All of us ran to the edge. 

"That took forever!" Kie said, but I could tell she was relieved. 

"Any dead bodies?" Pope questioned. 

"Looting potential?" JJ asked. 

"No, no. I found this motel key!" John B exclaimed, holding a key to the local motel here in the Outer Banks. 

"A motel key?" I asked dumbly, wondering what this could lead to. If I knew this group, the adventure wouldn't stop here. 

"Yes, a motel key." 

"Great we salvaged a motel key," JJ panned. 

We pulled John B into the boat, but he wasted no time in taking the wheel and we were off. 

"Come on, maybe we should report this," Kie said, as we zoomed along. "We might get a finders fee." 

"Kie's right you guys," I said, siding with her. "What if..." 

"What if what? What if we have fun?" JJ teased us. I knew he would want to keep the key. 

"What if, it's more than we can handle?" I asked then, wanting to think clearly. 

"You kooks, always scared of an adventure," JJ said back. "Besides it isn't like you'd need the money." 

I crossed my arms at that. 

"Don't start with that bullshit," I warned, already feeling heated. Ever since my family moved to the other side of the island, something has been off with JJ. I could feel it, even if he wouldn't say it. 

"Guys... now isn't the time," Pope interrupted. 

"Fine, we will take it to the Coast Guard, and we'll split the fee," John B declared. 

"And not work all summer," JJ agreed happily. 

I rolled my eyes, but felt satisfied that the tiff was over, for now. I couldn't help but to feel anxious that they were all slipping away. As if they thought I was different now. It was different than Kie, they always knew her with her money. But, me? I had grown up the same as them, but ever since we came into money, it's like they don't think I'm me anymore. It hurt. It hurt because I thought this would be the summer. The summer I'd finally confess. But it seems the closer I've been to confessing, the farther away he is to me. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts as we made it to the dock. There was so much going on when we got there. People were all over the place. This person trying to figure out when their power would be back on, this person trying to find their dog, another person wanting to know if this meant the game wouldn't be on. Everyone had their own worries. 

We all rushed across the dock, John B taking the lead as he went to the desk. The four of us hung back, staying out of the way. 

"Come on," JJ said, quietly so that Kie and Pope couldn't hear. "Don't be mad." 

As he said this, he reaches his hand out slightly touching the back of mine. But, then it's like he thought better of it, snatching his hand back. This hurt more than what he said in the boat.

"Then stop acting like an ass. You're giving me whiplash," I said, before leaving him standing there. I'd wait in the boat. 

"Don't you want to see what John B finds out?" JJ asked, I couldn't quite read his expression, something I normally didn't have a problem with. But everything has been backward lately. 

"I don't need the money, remember?" I shot back. I stepped into the boat, waiting for the outcome alone. 

As I sat in the boat, they approached me, looking as if they didn't get the finder's fee they were expecting.

"No good news?" I asked the obvious. 

"No, but I know how we're going to find the guy who owns the boat," John B said, tossing me the motel key. 

"Oh no," I said skeptically. 

"Oh yes," JJ confirmed, a smug smile on his face now. It made my heart skip. 

"Come on," Kie persuaded. "I'll be the lookout. You and Pope can stand off to the side." 

"Then you'll only be an accomplice," John B reasoned. 

Pope and I looked at each other, then I gave my own mischivious grin. 

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to look," I said. 

"There's our girl," JJ said, hopping into the boat, grabbing me in a playful hug. I let out a laugh, the spat from earlier gone for a moment. 

"Oh my god," I laughed as he spun me, the boat rocking unsteadily. "Put me down." 

JJ listened, but his hands lingered for a moment on my waist, our eyes met for a moment. I could feel my breath catch. It's like the world stopped for a moment. As corny as that sounds. 

Then someone cleared their throat. 

"You two good?" John B teased. 

"Get out of here," JJ said, shoving John B's shoulder. "As if that would ever happen." 

"Yeah, as if," I muttered. 

But, my heart broke as the words left my mouth. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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