Chapter 11: It's You

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"Whoever's doing what to you?"

      "T-Tanaka-senpai?" I stuttered as I stared wide-eyed at the boy standing in front of me. "In the flesh." He beamed, grinning smugly, "So, what's up L/N-chan? Who's bothering you? Do I need to beat some ass?" Tanaka grimaced, hitting his fist against his palm in an attempt to threaten this anonymous person he didn't even know. I chuckled sadly and looked down at my lap, playing with my thumbs. "Ah, it's nothing Tanaka-senpai. No need to worry about me." Tanaka and I didn't know each other that well, but we were on good terms. That night when he walked me to and from the locker room, we had a pleasant conversation. Past that, we didn't have much of a relationship. Tanaka took a seat next to me and looked at me sweetly, "You sounded distressed, and I care about you, you're my friend after all." He stated it like it was the most obvious thing in the world, but to me, it came as a surprise. I couldn't miss the warm feeling radiating in my heart as I thought about making friends with more people. I always wanted a big friend group. 

      "Ah well, you know, I'm just the new kid around. People can be a bit... arbitrary." I drawled. Tanaka suddenly ruffled my hair with a huff. "Just ignore them, they'll loosen up when they figure out how chill you are." Tanaka declared, causing me to chuckle. I forgot headaches for a second as Tanaka's presence distracted me. 

"So, what are you doing out here?" Tanaka asked. 

"Kei took me out to look around town."

"Didn't you live here before?"

"Yeah, but I was little Tanaka-senpai." I chuckled. 

"You're always so formal."

"What do you mean?"

"The honorifics you use, and your mannerisms, you're very formal," Tanaka observed.

"Ah... That's just what I learned I guess." 

      I scratched the back of my neck, looking down at my feet. I've never noticed just how formal I was being with someone who called me 'chan' the first day I met him. "Nishinoya-kun thinks it's cute." Tanaka chuckled out. I froze, whipping my neck to look at the boy that sitting next to me. "R-really?" I stuttered. Tanaka gave me a nod of affirmation and a pink tint appeared on my cheeks. "I think it's cute too. Having a girl call us 'senpai' and refusing to do otherwise because we're not besties." Tanaka nudged my side and I looked away, embarrassed. 

"Well, you are older than me, it's only polite..." I mumbled. 

      "I know, I'm just teasing you. We're just not used to it since everyone around us uses casual honorifics." He shrugged. "Why don't you hang out with Nishinoya-kun and I one day? Get to know your brother's team a bit more." As if there was a cue, Kei showed up, marble soda in hand. "Hello, Tanaka-san," He greeted, "Nice seeing you here." Tanaka reciprocated the gesture and Kei turned towards me. "You ready to head home, Y/n?" Kei asked. I gave a nod, standing up. I was saying goodbye to Tanaka until he stopped me. 

"Do you have your phone?" He asked. 

"Yeah, why?"

"Here, let me give you my number."

      I dug my phone out of my coat pocket and handed it to the boy. He tapped away and gave it back to me when he was done. I looked down to see he named himself "Tanaka-senpai ✿" which caused me to chuckle. 

"Text me anytime and don't forget my offer." He smiled.

"I won't, see you later Tanaka-senpai!" I called as Kei and I headed home. 

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