Chapter 18: Despair

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Hope was a funny thing. 

Hope could be beautiful.

It could be the lone flower blooming under a thick sheet of snow. It could be the lone star shining through a light polluted sky. The sun's rays peaking through storm clouds.

The feeling of hope was a beautiful thing.

But hope could also be cruel.

The flower wilting in front of you, the star turning out to be a plane, the thunder cracking through the air.

The feeling of hope being ripped away from you was unlike any other.


"Y-You? I-I trusted you..."

"Your first mistake."



Like being thrown into a suffocating black sludge.

You can't swim.

You can't breathe.

You can't see.

Despair was like torture.

Pure torture.

Feeling your heart being ripped into shreds was something you don't wish on your own enemy.

It was something you never want to experience. 

Despair was gripping. 





"You took him away from me."

"We're just friends!"

"I can't risk that."


Does anyone truly deserve despair?

Does anyone deserve the feeling of their heart being torn apart?

Does anyone deserve to feel hopeless?





"Was it really you? The notes? The texts? The flower?"

"I just want you gone. Can't you leave already?"


Everyone feels despair at least once.

Everyone feels hopeless once.



But this was a special type of despair.

The type of despair that made you feel as if you had no choice.

But to scream.

To cry

To beg.


Did I Say That Right? (Nishinoya Yuu x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon