Mini Hazelnut

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| Hazel | Friday |

"I only need to get a few things outta here." I told Maddy as she played on my phone. We were in Hillers picking up a few groceries. All a sudden Maddy had my phone up to her ear as if she was on the phone. I didn't pay any attention to it cause she does it all the time.

"Daddy." She smiled and looked up at me as she took the phone away from her ear to look at the screen. "You miss daddy? Huh?" I asked her. Her attention was still on the phone. "What you doing?" I look at the screen to see she was really on the phone with Rakim.

"Maddy, what you doing?" I laughed. I pressed speaker and said hello. "Put my baby back on the phone." Rakim said. "Did you call or did she call?" I asked him as I put stuff in the basket. "I called. I was calling to ask you were you dropping her off tonight since you had to go to a photoshoot."

I nodded as if he could see me. "Yeah I am were in Hillers right now then I'm going to the mall with Austin and Asada. I'll call you when I'm on my way." He said okay and then hung up. Tomorrow morning I was going to Atlanta to shoot and then I was staying for a few days with Austin. I was honestly going to miss my baby Maddy.

After I was done in Hillers and I stop by the house to put everything up and then we went to the mall to meet Austin and Asada. "Aww look at my baby Maddy." Asada said as she picked up Maddy. "Hey girl." Austin greeted me unlike Asada. After we said our hellos to each other before we started shopping. We were only shopping for the time in Atlanta since we were going to be their for a couple days.

"So Maddy's going over Rakims?" Austin asked me as he paid for his stuff he had just bought. "Yeah until we get back. Imma miss my baby." I said as I looked in Maddy's direction as Asada played with her. "It's okay we're going to have a good time in Atlanta as long as that bitch over there don't irritate me then I'm fine." I shook my head and smiled.

"There ain't gone be any arguing when we get there!" I laughed as I said it loud enough so Asada could hear me. "Right cause I'm tryna find me someone I can take back to California with me." Asada did a little dance while holding Maddy. "Yeah maybe she'll meet someone and get rid of that stank attitude you always have." Austin walked out of the store. I laughed as Asada simply rolled her eyes and continue to talk to Maddy.

"Y'all hungry?" I turned to Maddy. "You hungry baby?" I tried to pick her up from Asadas arm but she didn't let go. "Asada give me my child back so I can feed her." I looked at her as if she was crazy. "I'll feed her go ahead." I rolled my eyes and walked up to Austin. "I swear I can't bring my child around her, she just takes my baby away from me." I said to Austin.

"That's because she's lonely." Austin said making me laugh. We got to the food court and got some food and sat down. "So we're going out every night when we get to Atlanta, right? I think you'll need it Hazelnut." Asada said. "What makes you that?" I asked. "Cause girl all you do is stay at home go to photoshoots and go right back home. You need a little break girl."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess your right, but I gotta get going. I still have to get to the house and get her stuff and I still gotta pack." I said finishing up my food. "Alright we'll see you tomorrow morning girl." I picked up Maddy and got my bags and headed out the mall. As soon as I got Maddy buckled up my phone started to ring. "I'm bout to get her stuff now Rakim." I answered.

"You taking to long, I miss my baby." Rakim said. "We'll be there soon. Bye." I hung up the phone. He had been calling me all day asking when I was going to drop her off. He probably took today off just for Maddy.

I had to say I was really excited to go to Atlanta for a couple days. I had a photoshoot I would have to do that would last for two days then I had the rest of the time to myself. I had parties I had to attend and dinners that I also had to attend to. I just got done shopping for some of the clothes I was gonna wear there, mostly the dresses. The thing that was going to be hard was leaving my baby Maddy. I haven't been away from her for so long and here I was leaving her with Rakim for a week.

I knocked on the door as I held Maddy's stuff and she stood there by me holding my hand. Rakim opened up and got Maddy's stuff from me as I picked her up and walked in. I sat down on his couch and put Maddy on my lap. "You staying for a while or something?" Rakim asked me as he put his arm around me. I nodded. "Can you drop me off at the airport tomorrow?" I asked him. "Yeah. Your stuff in the car?" He asked me and I nodded.

"Where's your girlfriend?" I asked. "She's gone be out of town for a while, so it's just Maddy and I." I nodded. "Well what you bout to do now?" I asked him since it was getting late. He shrugged. "I don't know. I just wanted to see me baby." He said and kissed Maddy on the cheek while she laughed. "You wanna watch tv baby girl?" Rakim said as he got up and turned the tv on for her to watch.

"So what you doing in Atlanta for almost seven days?" He asked me as he took out some of Maddy's toys so she could play with them. "Well I have a few photoshoots that I have to do, I have some events to attend then I think I'm just going to enjoy the rest of my time there." He nodded as we watched Maddy play with her toys.

Later that night Rakim got Maddy in bed after he surprisingly made dinner. He was currently in his room while I was in the guess room. I decided to stay at his house cause I didn't wanna leave Maddy just yet.

But once Rakim showed me the guess room I started thinking of thoughts of Rakim and Iggy just having sex all over the damn house and It felt gross. I heard a knock on the door and told them they could come in. "Hey, you good? In here?" He asked me as I stood by the window. I nodded. "Okay well goodnight, I'll wake you up in the morning." He said before leaving the guess room.

I spend about twenty minutes observing the room, before I walked out the room, with a blanket and pillow and went to Maddy's room. She was peacefully sleeping. I watched her sleep as it all hit me. I was really going to leave my baby for almost seven days. And all of a sudden I started balling. I haven't left Maddy for more than two days and that was when she was at Rakim's house but that wasn't far, and if I ever missed her all I had to do was turn around back to Rakim's house.

I heard Maddy's door open and I didn't care to look, already knowing it was Rakim. "Hey, what you doing in here crying?" Rakim asked me but when he didn't get a response, he sat on the floor next to me and put his arm around me. "Hey stop all that crying." He tried to wipe my tears away. But I couldn't help it.

Eventually I stopped crying and laid down on the floor next to Maddy's crib. Rakim was laying on down by my feet fast asleep, while I was still awake and had to be up in a few hours...

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