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Chapter 316: A Thousand-year Old Plot

“Jiji, you think you can find me the specific location of the laboratory?” Gu Xiqiao threw both of them into the basement of the Wei family manor before starting to question Jiji. At the same time, her consciousness continued to expand in every direction. In the blink of the eye, her mind had already covered the entire Mingzhou.

In spite of this, she still failed to find anything out of the ordinary.

Jiji was scouring through millions of databases on the internet and still found no trace of that laboratory she was talking about. Not a single trace of information could be detected.

“Beauty Qiao, something’s weird.” Jiji was stunned. “There should be bits of information about places like this on the internet, and yet I’m here empty-handed.”

Not finding anything was the weirdest thing it had ever come across.

Gu Xiqiao looked down at Leng Yuwei. A sinister smile broke across her face, which sent chills straight up Leng Yuwei’s spine.

“Chu Ziheng.” Gu Xiqiao called out.

Jiji’s eyes widened when it heard what Gu Xiqiao said. “Chu Ziheng? What’s up with him?”

“Remember that time when he worked with Uncle Mu on a joint-project?” Gu Xiqiao narrowed her eyes. “I’ve always found it odd as to why someone in the F&B industry would want to cooperate with Nine Heavens.”

“Nine Heavens?” Jiji made some calculations in its mind, which was so fast that not even China’s top-of-the-line supercomputer could match up with it. It didn’t take a long time for it to finally reach a conclusion. “Nine Heavens’ finance sector and network sector are running parallel to each other! Wait a sec—network technology!”

“That’s right, I recall him working together with Yang An previously,” said Gu Xiqiao, who reached out her hand and out came a tablet out of thin air. Her fingers started swiping away and soon, an image appeared on the screen. “It’s this one.”

The tablet floating in the air and the map on the screen was turned into a 3D projection.


Above the ground at Wei Manor.

“Young Master, there are intruders in the basement!” As the greatest wielder of power in Mingzhou, the basement of the Wei family manor was not just your average basement. Even the slightest movement in the basement could be detected by the control room.

“Basement?” Wei Chenxi sprung up from his seat. His facial expression changed immediately. Hastily, he rushed into the basement with a couple of armed guards.

All that was stored in the basement of their home were considered to be top secret in Mingzhou and by extension, China. For an intruder to suddenly appear in their basement made Wu Chenxi panic. Although Mingzhou was currently under threat, such secrets must never be leaked to the outside world!

The secrets involving their basement could not be filtered through the internet. Instead, they had to be encrypted using codes written down on paper before being sealed away indefinitely. Every single one of them exposed major weak points of their nation, which explained why Wei Chenxi was sweating bullets.

“How could that be?” At the entrance of the basement, one of his men noticed how everything was left undamaged and he let out a cry in surprise.

Wei Chenxi peered in the direction of the cry. “What’s the matter?”

“The basement. The door’s not broken?” The man started to doubt his own sanity.

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