Their Kouhai »» 09

Start from the beginning

"What's the catch?" She asked him, still suspicious.

Kuroo was surprised, then he gave her a kind smile as he put a hand on his chest, "No catch. I've always been a kind soul."

Aoyuki's blank face didn't budge, making him sigh as he dropped his hand and looked down at her.

"Just wanted to help, okay?"

Aoyuki stared at him for a moment, contemplating, before accepting the offer, still a little bit suspicious.

Truthfully, Kuroo wanted to teach Aoyuki in blocking so that he could show her off to Bokuto, who knows? Maybe she could even block his spikes. That would be sweet!

Kuroo opened his mouth to ask for her number when Aoyuki suddenly turned towards a certain direction, he looked where she was looking.

She was looking towards Yaku, Suga and Nishinoya's direction,

"I've never seen anyone able to receive so many of our ace's spikes. Your entire team is high-caliber and you're their libero. I think you have amazing talent! I'm going to do my best too, " Nishinoya then took a quick bow, "Good bye." Then he ran away. Suga tried stopping him but he was already far.

Aoyuki's eyes shone in amazement as she dashed towards them, leaving Kuroo dumbfounded.

Suga and Yaku was stunned when suddenly, Aoyuki stopped in front of them and bowed to Yaku, the Nekoma libero blushed lightly at the act.

"If Noya-senpai acknowledges your talent, then I do too!" Aoyuki stood up fully, her eyes burning in raw determination and passion. "Just like Noya-senpai, I'll also do my best!" And just like her senpai, she ran away.

"Hey! Don't just say that and leave!" Suga called put after the first year, and yet, he failed again once more. He rubbed his head sheepishly as he looked at Yaku, "Sorry about that, again."

"They're kinda dangerous." Suga looked at Yaku in confusion.


"Your libero, he's a high-caliber too, but he's not arrogant about it, not at all. On the contrary he only seeks to improve. Ribbon-chan on the other hand, even though it's obvious that she's just new in volleyball, she has great talent and acknowledges others. She's humble." Yaku furrowed his eyebrows with a smile, sweat rolled down from his temple, "They're scary."

"Til we meet again, my friend!" Yamamoto and Tanaka cried loudly as they shake their hands.

Kenma blinked, "What's with them?"

"Dunno. It's quite unusual." Kuroo answered beside him. He then looked in front when Daichi stopped in front of him. Kuroo gave him a friendly smile, Daichi flashed him his very own friendly closed eyed smile as well.

"We won't lose the next time." Daichi told Kuroo as he gripped the bedhead's hand.

"We won't lose the next time, either." Kuroo gripped Daichi's hand even more, smile never faltering.

Suga and Yaku suddenly popped out of nowhere, "Terrifying! They're terrifying!" The both of them turning to look back only to see their coaches going at it as well.

"And them too!" Suga's eyes turned white.

"They're so immature!" Yaku sweat dropped.

Kuroo noticed a blur of familiar hair with trailing black ribbon ends that passed by them, and so he called out to her.


Aoyuki stopped and turned to look at him, she raised a questioning brow, "Bedhead-san?"

Some Nekoma guys snickered at this, yet Kuroo's smirk never faltered.

"You better prepare yourself! I'm gonna train you so hard you'd wish you just asked for megane-kun instead!" He smirked deviously.

An irk mark grew on Tsukishima's forehead yet he remained silent.

"Huuuh?! What do you think you're talking about?"

"Whaddya mean train her?!"

Tanaka and Nishinoya was quick to put a surrounding barrier around Aoyuki who chuckled at them.

"It's fine. He means well." She reassured the two second year, and they backed off albeit unwillingly.

Aoyuki then turned to look back at Kuroo, the sunset gave her eyes a different glow as she flashed him one of her smirks as well.

"I look forward to it, Kuroo-senpai."

And so, the teams waved their goodbyes, promising to defeat each other in the Battle of the Garbage Dump.

»»B O N U S««

"If today's match was an official match... It would have been all over after we lost the first match. All over." Kageyama told Hinata without looking at him.

The rest of them team were behind them as they watched the duo,

"I know." Hinata answered, not looking at Kageyama as well. They were facing the setting sun.

"I'm glad you know." They turned to look at their coach, Ukai, same as everyone else. "And the official matches, the Inter High Preliminaries are right around the corner. When we get back, we'll think about and analyze today's practice match." He turned his back on them, "Then we'll train!"

"Osu!" The volleyboys replied loudly, getting pumped up.

Ukai then turned his head a little bit and looked straight at Aoyuki, "The same goes for you too."

Aoyuki's eyes widened, before they glistened as she nod her head and smiled determinedly,


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