He chuckled and kissed the top of my head sweetly, "Just sleep, Liv. I've got you." He turned the TV off and held me securely to him.

"Thanks, Sam."

"Anytime, cutie. Goodnight."

"Night, Sam."

The next week Ruby was around more and more, every damn day; now that Dean and I know that's who he's always running off with. We have told him over and over she's no good. She's a freaking demon for crying out loud.

"Sam, come on... level with me. Are you seriously working with a demon? You're smarter than that."

He rolled his eyes at me, looking really annoyed. He and Dean had it out big time the other day because we found out who she was. "She's not just some demon, Liv. Please, not you too."

Realization hit me, "Oh God... you're messing around with her!" It made me sick to my stomach.

"She's helping me get stronger, to be ready to take down Lilith. That's what we all want!" He avoided my comment.

"Don't turn this into arguing, please. Talk to me. It's me, Sam. We talk about everything."

He shook his head, and her car pulled up to the house.

I shot a glare her way as she got out and leaned against it. She smirked over at me smugly, knowing that her relationship with Sam bothered me.

"I'm sorry, I need her right now. We all do, okay? Just trust me."

"Sam. Seriously, her? We can do this without her! Me and you and even Dean."

He huffed, "I don't need you! I need her!" I froze for a second. "I'm sorry..." He moved to hug me, but I walked away.

I went out into the actual scrap yard, hearing him call my name after me.

I started storming around, and kicked one of the beat up totaled cars. I hate Ruby. She's a bitch, and a demon! I don't know how Sam can pick her over me. After what I thought might be going on with us, he goes and picks a demon over me. He actually said the words.

She's using him for something, I can feel it. And she knows that I don't like her, and he has to know that she's coming between us. She probably likes that. She's trying to push me away from him, so she can have him all to herself. They're probably hooking up. He didn't deny it.

Screw her. Screw him. She can have him. He's all hers, and I'm done trying to get things moving along with us.

I picked up a crowbar I found on the ground and bashed in a car window. It felt really good. So I swung it as hard as I could into the door.

I did it a few times, getting out as much of my anger as I could until what had been left of the car matched the rest.

Then I heard, "Whoa, Liv! Hey!"

I spun around and saw Dean a few feet from me looking concerned. I sighed and dropped the crow bar. "Sorry." My breathing was heavy.

"What's going on? You look crazy." He sounded genuinely concerned, and approached me cautiously.

"Ruby." I growled.

He nodded slowly and leaned against the car. "Lost your cool about her, huh?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm uh..." My emotions threatened to turn from anger to sadness, "He blatantly picked her over me. I asked him if he was seriously working with her, and thought he could trust her, and he flat out said he needs her and not me. So I'm done. I..."

"You're just mad. He's your best friend, Alivia. I hate her and don't trust her, just the same as you. But Sam's smart. We have to give him some sort of trust, right?"

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