DP #24

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An open letter,

We've never been on the same boat before
But I just want to say,
You are lovely, so lovely
Even the skies adore you

Galaxies look upon you
Like an angel
Filled with joy
Filles with laughter

People never neglect you
For you are so unneglectable
You are admirable
You are, YOU.

Hope we meet ourselves soon
Fill the room with colors
Fill the dark with light
As we move across and not to fight

Piece #25
Dedicated to: Kenneth Marie Echivarre


I am a plant, and you are my sunshine
You make my day bright
You make me grow and right
Coz darling, you are my sunshine

You are so yellow
So pigminted that makes me mellow
You make me smile
That makes my day right across mile

You are so beautiful
That makes everything not dreadful
You are so good
That makes me on the mood

Darling, keep shining
Throught storms may came- you have me caring
Caring that you may shine again
Coz YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE, oh darling.

Your Dedications (Collection Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now