Her Beginning

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Dagmar, it means "faithful servant." And a fitting name for this story belongs to a maidservant. A beautiful young woman who has always been in service of others always for all her long years of life.

Her Father, Ivar, was a great warrior in the Kingdom of Asgard, he was considered to be among the most maritable. Under the command of the great Odin himself, he fought many wars and has slain many beasts. But the Gods must have frowned upon him, for he died before the birth of his daughter and thus causing Dagmar's frail Mother, Ave, to have to labor with the commoners. The reason for this unfortunate event being that there had been no inheritance to be found from her husband, no riches or authority left to her. Her great title was stripped of her, at the time of her husbands death so the Great Council decided to give her a "justifiable purpose." We know not who carried out the orders for this terrible deed but they were given, nonetheless.

Even as she was with-child, Dagmar's Mother was forced to clean and serve. Unfortunately, she did not survive the birthing process 7 months later so without a mother and father, she was left.

Dagmar was bestowed in the care of an elderly lady by the name of Aslog, she was very strict and unkind however, she was also incredibly fat which always made her a jestful sight! The other children and Dagmar loved to mock and chaff when she was not looking, the most amusing jests came from Loki. He was an age older than Dagmar, even so, a great delight to be in the presence of. She know he was a Prince and she, a maidservent but he always looked over that fact and wanted to accompany her one way or another. One of her favorite ridicules of his mischief took place eons ago on the winter of her 18th year.

Aslog was concealed in fur and she had just returned from the stables. She was covered in the horrid auroma of steed and had small frozen flakes of snow and ice attached to the brown pelt she wore. Luckily for the both of them, the prince's mother had recently begun to educate him in the art of magic. He decided to make a bit of fun for the both of them and made the awful gaurdian grow in size, just enough for her not to notice. Her swollen body had caused her coat to become too tight and the hide would not come off her being! She struggled and twisted and turned, trying to discard her attire but it would not budge! Loki and Dagmar stood behind a large pillar and watched with stifled laughs as she attempted over and over again to undress. It was then that her friend had gotten a brilliant idea. He created a large insect on her shoulder and waited for her to realize. Her reaction was pricless! Now, not only was she struggling with her attire but she was running in circles begging somebody, anybody, to remove the ghaustly beast!

That is when the events had a turn for the worst! The stallions and mares in the stables were disturbed greatly by Aslog's frightened screams which caused an uproar! Each steed had escaped thier stations and were in a stamped in the palace! They ran and galloped through the magnificent halls, damaging the gold polished floors and destroying anything else that came in their paths! It took many hours and many men to round up the horses, but that was not the end of it. Unfortunatly, Loki's Father, the King of Asgard, did not find it as amusing as the young children did. That day was the last she saw of her good friend.




That is, until today.

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