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The two youths continued along their path slowly. Dagmar carefully looked over the edge and shivered at the extreme hight. They had not yet reached the stairs that lead to the decent into the undergrounds of Asgard when they were interrupted once more. A young raven flew at Dagmar and frightened her terribly.

"Loki! You keep your blasted bird out of my hair!" She screeched at him. The young Prince simply laughed and held out his hand as a perch for his feathery friend.

"Hello, Aramis." Loki welcomed him.
"Oh, so he has a name now! What would your Father think when he hears that you have been adopting animals and housing them in the Kingdom?" She asked him.

"Animals, Mars? What animals?" Loki pretended as if he had no idea what she spoke of.

"First, there is Aramis here, then the fox underneath your bed, the squirrel in your closet, that young family of mice in the kitchen pantry, [still a wonder how they have not been found out yet] the hound in the stables and you hid her along with a feline as well! That never ends comfortably! Would you like for me to continue, Master Loki?" He just chuckled at her remark.
"Oh, my dear Mars! You never cease to entertain me!"
"And you, I." She answered with a smile. "But Loki..."
"Yes, my dear friend?"
"Why do you lead me to the dungeons? Is it not dangerous?"
"Of course it is! But what is life without a little bit of danger once in a while?"
"Well, alright. I suppose I trust you." She sighed at him.

At that very moment, the two heard an awful racket from the prison chambers. It sounded of swords clashing against metal and flesh. Dagmar slowly hid behind Loki as they waited for something to happen.

Aramis begun to violently flap his wings and then he flew off, the two children were far too stunned to call him back, or even move for that matter!

Slowly from the chambers emerged the elf. His links were broke and the chains dangled and dragged against the floor as he skulked to the young ones. His body was covered in blood and the sword he held in his scarlet soaked hand was broken. As he passed Loki and Dagmar, he stole a glance at them and continued to walk forward. Soon enough, he was gone. He did not hurt either of them but all the while, they were far too frightened to move.

When the two had finally escaped the treacherous halls, Frigga was the first to hear of their frightening experience. She took kindly to them; she was not angry, simply worried. Poor Dagmar was most frightened but Loki just pretended to forget the whole thing.

The two children stayed with the Queen for the rest of the day and by evening, King Odin had recaptured the Elf and locked him securely where he was to never be released again.

"Who is that Elf?" Loki asked his Mother.
"His name is Xander, his heart is full of darkness and hatred. But as frightening and treacherous as he may seem, my dear children, he cannot harm you now." She spoke softly to them.

After Frigga comforted Dagmar and lifted her worries, she let her off to her bed chambers and sent word to Aslog. Frigga told her that she had required the young maid girl's services early in the morning and released her in the late afternoon.

It was not often that the Queen told lies but she said them when they were needed the most. Dagmar surely would have been punished greatly had it not been for Frigga that day.


"I wonder what has become of my dear friend? Does he not remember me?" Dagmar thought to herself. She continue along her path and then stopped. The maid looked around and saw that the area she was in looked unfamiliar.

Wondering back and forth, Dagmar searched for her way out. She had gotten herself lost!

"Oh, bloody Hel." She exclaimed when she realized she could not find the exit.

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