Chapter 15 Team Flash Emergency

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When Team Flash got back to Star Labs, Julian and Caitlin got to work on saving Barry's life. With the help of Frost, they were able to get him off the rebar back at what was left of the warehouse.

"There's a fair bit of shrapnel still inside the wound. We need to get those bits out now" Julian said in a concerned tone. Caitlin nodded.

Luckily Iris wasn't hurt in the explosion. It turns out that Barry's body shielded her from the majority of the explosion. That didn't just save her life, it saved Nora's as well.

After a few hours, which seemed like forever, Julian and Caitlin finally came out of the med bay.

"How is he?" Iris asked.

"He's awake. He's been asking to see you" Caitlin said, looking at Iris with a smile. Iris walked into the med bay and over to Barry.

"Hey" Iris said softly as she sat next to Barry's bed.

"Hey" Barry said weakly.

"How are you feeling?" Iris asked.

"Sore. What about you? Are you doing ok?" Barry asked.

"I'm ok. Thanks to you" Iris smiled.

"That's good. I was worried that you would've been hurt in the explosion" Barry said.

"Turns out your body acted as a shield. You managed to protect me and Nora" Iris said. Barry then lifted his hand slightly and Iris immediately grabbed it.

"You know what I really want right now?" Barry asked.

"What?" Iris asked, smiling a little.

"A few scoops of some delicious cookie dough ice cream" Barry said.

"I'll ask Dad to go and get it" Iris smiled, kissing Barry on the forehead. Barry smiled at her.

"I love you" Barry said.

"I love you too" Iris replied.


"Any location on Thawne?" Joe asked.

"No. I've tried tracking the suit but it's not picking up anything" Cisco said.

"Well we need to find him. He can't keep getting away with things as serious as this" Joe then said.

"Don't worry Joe. We will" Caitlin said.


Barry lay in the med bay bed, eating his favourite ice cream with Iris sitting next to him, eating her favourite ice cream.

"Cookie dough ice cream is the best" Barry said with a smile as he finished his ice cream and put the empty ice cream cup on the tray table beside the bed.

"You think so? Well in my opinion, I think that mint ice cream is the best" Iris said, smirking.

"So it's a competition now?" Barry asked, laughing a little.

"Maybe" Iris said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Well, the next time we have ice cream, you have the cookie dough and I'll have the....." Barry said, slowly falling unconscious and then going into a full-on seizure.

"Barry!?" Iris said loudly as she stood from her seat.

"HELP! I NEED HELP IN HERE!" Iris yelled. The team rushed into the room and found Barry having a seizure. Julian looked at Barry's vitals.

"His vitals are bottoming out. We need to do something" Caitlin said. Then within a matter of seconds, Barry flatlined. Tears welled up in Iris's eyes.

"Someone grab me the paddles!" Julian said, Cisco grabbed the paddles and handed them to Julian. While Julian charged them, Caitlin grabbed a bag valve mask and began trying to administer some oxygen to Barry.

"Come on mate, don't give up. Clear!" Julian said, shocking Barry. Barry's chest lifted up and down.

"Still no pulse. Upping the charge" Julian said as he turned the charge up.

"Clear!" Julian said loudly as he shocked Barry again. Then slowly, Barry's vitals started improving.

"Oh thank god" Iris said to herself.

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