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Echosplash crept toward the LakeClan border. She inhaled, catching the scent of a LakeClan cat. She dove into a clump of ferns, hiding her black pelt.

She peered out, seeing a silver LakeClan tom. Ripplemist, she thought with relief. She slid out of her hiding spot, wincing as brambles caught on her pelt. 

"Ripplemist- I have great news!" exclaimed Echosplash. "I-" she was cut short whenever she tried to press against Ripplemist, but he pulled away, a look of fear on his face. 

"ShadeClan patrol!" he hissed. "Hide!" Echosplash dove into a group of tall poppies, hoping to mask her scent.

Bounceleap, Icefur, Snowflame, and Firefrost of ShadeClan appeared, tasting the air. "Do you smell LakeClan?" said Icefur. Echosplash held her breath. 

"Well, duh, the border is right there." responded Snowflame. They re-marked the scent lines and walked away, to patrol the rest of the border. Echosplash caught her breath and crept out of her hiding space.

She padded over to join Ripplemist. "Now can I tell you what I came here to say?" Irritation pricked her pelt.

 Ripplemist turned to her with a warm expression. "Of course." he purred, flicking his ears. 

"Ripplemist- I'm expecting kits...our kits." Ripplemist's facial expression turned to shock. "What!?" he demanded. "They'll be half-clan! How will you explain this to Twigstar?" 

Echosplash was taken aback. "I don't have to tell them who the father is. Aren't you happy?" she said quietly. 

Ripplemist's facial expression softened. "Of course. I want to be the father of your kits and raise them together more than ever. But you have to choose." he paused. "Your clan, or the one you love." the moonlight glimmered off of his pale blue eyes.

Echosplash sighed. She knew he was right. We can't keep meeting up like this. She thought. That patrol was a whisker away from getting us. 

She knew what she had to do. "I will raise the kits in ShadeClan, and we will stop meeting."

There was sadness in Ripplemist's eyes, but also understanding. "Raise them well." he said. "But you can never tell the your who their father is. It would ruin them. And you."

They briefly touched noses. Echosplash couldn't believe this moment was over. She wished she could make it last forever. 

As she padded back to camp, she stole one last glance at Ripplemist, his silky silver pelt gleaming even through the brambles. 

Goodbye, Ripplemist. We will meet with our kits again in StarClan. 

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