"Already miss you guys" I mumbled, looking through photos I had taken with my roommates. They were all silly ones taken on nights we got drunk of cheap wine and danced in the living room. I felt my heart tear a bit, smiling sadly as I dropped them on my nightstand. I picked up the camera, a photo stuck out the slot. I crinkled my nose, wondering how that got there. I pulled it out, examining it.

I found myself remembering where it was from, the night of the incident. It was a photograph of me, barely conscious, trying to shield my face and body from the flash. He used my camera to take those photos.

"Ren?" Mark called, peeking his head in the door. I dropped the photo, looking up.

"Hm?" I replied, wiping my eyes, I didn't even realize I'd started crying. His expression turned to a soft one of worry, he walked in, coming over to where I stood. The tears didn't stop, I sniffled a bit and looked at the ground.

"What's going on" he asked in a soft voice, not hesitating to pull me into a hug. I reached around, hugging him back. I could feel a small wet spot forming where my face was pressed against his chest, he rested his chin on top my head. We stood there in silence, I listed to his heartbeat as my tears began to dry.

I finally pulled back, picking up the photo, I chewed my lip. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell Mark the whole story, he only knew I'd been found floating in prospect shore lake, almost dead from hypothermia. He didn't ever know why I was out there in the first place, I didn't know if I could tell him. I sighed, shredding the photo. It was better if he didn't know.

"I was just looking through my photos, got a little sentimental is all" I lied through my teeth, tossing the shreds in the trash. I sat down, Mark eyed my trash, but didn't try to press any further.

"Let's go get some good food, I'll even let you pick" he said, giving me a small smile. I sniffled, smiling weakly.

"I'll be out in a few, I just have to change" I said, Mark left the room, and I grabbed some regular jeans to put on. I slipped off my joggers, pulling on my jeans and digging though my book bag for my phone. I had an amazing habit for losing that thing, but managed to find it under all my carryon junk. I slipped it in my back pocket, walking out and looking for Mark. I trudged down the stairs, Mark sat in his living room, idly scrolling on his laptop.

"Any good sushi places you know?" I asked, walking over and peeking at his screen, he was on Twitter, replying to fans.

"A few places, how about the sushi bar?" He asked, closing his laptop. I shrugged, nodding. I had no clue where anything was here, so I'd have to rely off Mark sadly till I got my bearings. We headed out, saying bye to Chica and climbing in his car. I grabbed the Aux cord before Mark could object, I loved my brother but his music taste sucked.

"Fine, but I get to play my music on the way home" he mumbled, I smiled proudly, putting on a classic cave town song. I sang along, watching the scenery as we drove. We parked on the side street, getting out and I followed as Mark led the way to the sushi bar.

"I should have brought my fake ID" I mumbled, looking through my wallet, Mark gave me a look and I rolled my eyes.

"What? You think I'd never tasted an alcohol before?" I teased, bumping his shoulder.

"No but you shouldn't be drinking you're still only 19" he reminded me, using that responsible adult tone I hated. I mimicked him in a low voice, exaggerating my movements. He laughed, giving me a light shove. Which turned into a shoving match the rest of the walk to the restaurant, Mark clearly winning since he was bigger than me.

"Have any of your friends been talking to you?" He asked, shoveling a piece of sushi into his mouth.

"I haven't really touched my phone since they released me" I said with a shrug, picking up a piece of sushi. I drowned it in soy sauce, popping it in my mouth. Mark raised his eyebrows a bit, eating another piece himself. I didn't want to tell them I was ignoring them, truthfully I couldn't stand the pity. They all sent messages telling me they're thinking of me and all that dumb crap, made me feel even worse.

"I'm excited to meet your friends" I said, picking a piece of sushi off marks plate.

"Oh yeah, everyone is really excited to finally meet you" he said, smiling. Mark continued, telling me about all the stuff to do tomorrow, about how he hadn't seen anyone in a few weeks, just rambling like he usually did. The rest of the evening went on casual, we had gotten home just as the sun was finally gone in the sky.

"Wanna walk Chica with me?" He asked, grabbing her leash as we walked in. Chica came sauntering up, hopping up on Mark as he tried to clip on the leash.

"Sure" I said, following as we walked out. Chica led the way as we walked down the neighborhood, happily sniffing everything. Mark had me hold her as he picked up her mess, Chica watching, impatiently waiting to start walking again. I smiled, scratching behind her ears. I barely knew her a day and was already in love with this goober.

"Who's a good girl" I mumbled, earning one of those doggy smiles.

"I'm glad you like her" Mark said, smiling. We started the walk back home, Chica still leading the way happily. When we got home, I let Chica off and she went on her way. I yawned a bit, stretching my arms up.

"Should probably get some sleep, big day tomorrow" Mark suggested, I gave a tired nod. Sleep sounded amazing right now, I gave him a hug with a quick goodnight and retreated to my new room. I kicked off my jeans, not bothering much more as I climbed into the bed, curling up under the duvet and drifting off.

Count:1804 words

Aaaa hey guys! Sorry this was a short one but didn't want things to super take off until the next chapter ;3 anyways I hope you like it <3

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