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Hey guys! Hope you like this story that you  guys been waiting for so long! I'll introduce all the characters who will be in this story.


-Hunter was the ex chief of centaur or the country centaur of kingdom of Harmony. He is known as the selfish and jerk before he was exile long time ago. He married 6 wives in different tribes. He disappeared after his exiled after his 6 wife, Kate Parr, who report to Queens and Kings of Harmony. Hunter is a half country and half k-pop, so he can sing pop or country or korean

pic: still voting

Hunter's six wives:

Kaylee of Aragon tribe:

-First wife of hunter, lives outside of the kingdom of harmony. She lives in the Kingdom of Aragon tribe, as a daughter of the chief. She speaks Spanish which leads confusion when she married Hunter. She had a daughter name Maria, which made Hunter disappointed to have a daughter instead a son. She is a short temper, which she's easily gets angry. Yet she never show it, even she saw Hunter, courting another woman, which led her get divorce. She was not aloud to take her daughter with her. She was send away and left at the forest. Kaylee live in the forest for 3 years before she got terrible ill, which lead her to death.

 Kaylee live in the forest for 3 years before she got terrible ill, which lead her to death

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Anna Boleyn:

-Second wife of hunter, Lives another island, who moves to live at the kingdom of Harmony. She meet Hunter after she walk around the kingdom. Hunter may have endured seven-year courtship to marry his second wife. Anna was betrothed to Henry Parker, but the engagement had broken off when Hunter appeared, and became Hunter's secretary. Anna refuse to become his Wife, forcing him to wait through seven years  of courtship until they were marry. She was married after Hunter divorce Kaylee. Suffered several miscarriages, until she give birth to a daughter name, Evelyn. However, When Hunter star courting another female Centaur, name Jade Seymour, Anna was jealous and outrage and start flirting the other male centaur when the Hunter was away. Which lead Hunter went raged and order his men and report it to the kings and queens for treasons and she was Beheaded along once her fiance, and five men centaur who were found guilty.

 Which lead Hunter went raged and order his men and report it to the kings and queens for treasons and she was Beheaded along once her fiance, and five men centaur who were found guilty

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Jade Seymour:

Hunter's love for or at least infatuation with Anna, Jade is commonly became Hunter's favorite wife, because Jade gave him what he wanted than no other wives could: A son. Like Anna, Jade had serve as Secretary or lady-in-waiting to be Hunter's wife. Jade Seymour lives at the village near the kingdom of Harmony, as a librarian. Her peaceful and gentle personality reportedly lent itself to peacemaking efforts. She was married, after Anna's beheaded. Her marriage to Hunter were overshadowed by need to give birth to a son. Jade give birth a son, who's name, Ethan, But she would not live to see this, after the developing post-natal complication, she died after giving birth. She's the only hunter's wife to be given birth to a son.

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