17 - the party

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song recommendation: into it- chase atlantic

**WARNING: drug use...

lila sinclair

It was the next day and after spending a whole day with the girls, we ran into Blaise and Theo in the hallway after their quidditch practice.

"You girls coming to the party tonight?" Blaise smirked at the group, but mainly kept his eyes on Daphne.

"There's a party?" Pansy asked, causing for Blaise to chuckle.

"There's a party? Yes, Pansy. There's a party tonight." Blaise mocked her as she furrowed her brows in frustration.

It took everything in me to not laugh at her reaction and I could tell that Daphne was struggling to hold in her amusement as well.

"Slytherin common room in two hours. Be there."

And with that, they walked away, leaving Daphne and I stuck with a whiny Pansy Parkinson.

"Did you hear him? Some nerve he has-"

"It's Blaise. He's just messing with you," Daphne rolled her eyes as we began to make our way back to the dungeons to get ready for the party tonight.

Who the hell throws a party on a Sunday night? Yesterday night would've worked out so much better.

I was supposed to go back and work with Malfoy on the cabinet again tonight, but he was probably going to be at the party anyways, so why bother?

As soon as we reached our dorm, dresses were flying all over, each of us wanting to pick out the perfect outfit.

"Do you think Draco would like this?" Pansy asked from her side, motioning towards the green sequin romper she was wearing.

Honestly, I'm the outfit wasn't bad. It could be pulled off by many different girls here at Hogwarts, but for some reason when I saw it on Pansy, I absolutely abhorred it.

"Sure, he'll like it." Daphne smiled at her before turning to face me and cringing, causing me to slap a hand over my face to keep my laughter in.

The two hours went by quickly and I could already feel the walls vibrating from the loud music playing downstairs.

"Well, we all look hot, so I'd say we're ready!" Daphne grinned as we smiled too, looking over our outfits in the mirror.

I was wearing a tight, black two-piece mini dress that wrapped tightly around my waist, showing off my long legs.

I smiled at my reflection before turning around and joking the girls as we made our way down the stairs to the common room.

The common room was filled with Slytherin students. Whenever any other house would throw a party, normally all houses were invited...

But Slytherin parties were always exclusive to Slytherins.

"Hello, gorgeous." Theo smirked as he kissed me on the cheek and wrapped his hand around my waist, leading me towards the couches where our group normally sat.

I giggled as I grabbed a cup off of the nearest drink table before sitting on Theo's lap, leaning into him.

Pansy sat beside Malfoy on another couch with her legs draped over him and Daphne and Blaise were sitting normally on the other couch along with Crabbe and Goyle who were seated on the floor smoking Merlin knows what.

"What the fuck is that smell?" Malfoy spat at the two goons, causing them to flinch immediately and look at him.

"It's uh- it's called muggle weed..." Goyle whispered as Crabbe laughed dazily behind him.

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