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You screamed. An ear-piercing, glass-shattering, scared shit-less type of cry.

To your dismay, no sound came out of your gaping mouth.

You dragged your feet, trying desperately to run, but it was as if your legs were weighted to the ground.

You were completely and utterly helpless as an entity of pure darkness consumed you from the outside-in, extinguishing all life inside of you.

That's when you woke up.

A quick glance at your phone screen told you that you had slept for around two hours, which was pretty good, in your eyes. You have a tendency to sleep for hours but never actually rest.

After a solid few minutes of avoidance, you finally mustered up the courage to check your notifications. Six missed calls from your mom. Sheesh. You were definitely in for it now.

You phoned your mom. She picked up right away, but the line was silent for a while - that's how you knew she was truly upset.

"Mom?" You asked, trying to break the silence.

"Please explain why I received a call from your new school stating you were truant in your classes today." She always sounds so business-y when she's upset.

You explained.

After a very long-winded and exhausting phone call with your mom where in which you agreed to talk about consequences when she got home, you finally addressed the thing that had been playing through your mind. And not only your conscious mind, but your subconscious as well, judging by your night terrors.

But, now came the hard part: dealing with Tooru. You knew he must have been worried, but it didn't really matter; you had decided to distance yourself from him. It would be so much simpler caring only for yourself. Besides, you had been alone your whole life anyway. It was just you and your mom, and that's all you ever needed.

You spent a few minutes contemplating how you would handle this situation. Oikawa had called you at least three times right around 11:45, when lunch break was nearly over. He had texted you, like, thirty times, asking where you were, if you were okay, why you had left.

Would responding to them really do any good? Well, knowing him, he would likely show up at your house after school if you didn't. So, swallowing your pride (which is something you found yourself doing quite often in recent days), you texted Oikawa back:

<New message to: Tooru Oikawa>

Hi, sorry for leaving so abruptly. I wasn't feeling well and went home. I didn't mean to worry you. Gomen.

You pressed "send" and put your phone down, taking a few deep breaths. Why is it that text messages have the ability to make you so anxious? They're just words on a screen, and yet, they carry so much power.


The days went by quickly after that. Your mom grounded you from leaving the house for skipping school, which made avoiding Tooru a hell of a lot easier. He texted you for a while, but you continued to ignore him until he eventually stopped. You spent your lunch breaks outside, listening to music, waiting for the rumours about you and him to die down. And pretty soon, they did, as new gossip made its way around.

Around two weeks had passed before Oikawa really made contact with you again, and it wasn't really intentional so much as he bumped into you in the hallway one morning. Everyone around stared at you as your books spilled across the hallway. Great.

Tooru scrambled to pick them up for you, frantically apologizing, as his friends laughed at him - specifically one tall guy with dark, spiky hair. His name was Iwaizumi, you had heard people say.

You books were handed back to you neatly before you had even fully processed what was happening.

"Thank you," you said softly, trying to take the books from his hands, but he held firm.

"I'm meeting you outside at lunch today. Don't ignore me again, please. I just wanna talk to you," he whispered forcefully before walking off. As he rejoined his friends, he was met with a slap on the back of the head and chorus of laughter. You almost wished you could be one of them, too, but that was out of the question. There's no way you had the charisma for that.

As you made your way toward your first class, you could still hear Oikawa whining from down the hallway. You wondered how this lunchtime meeting would go. Would anyone see you? Hopefully not, you didn't know if you could bare the stares and rumours one more time. Did you even want to see him? You didn't know. You still had a little time to figure it out, so you tried your best to push the thoughts and anxieties to the back of your head.


Thank you guys for always being so patient! I haven't been feeling very inspired lately, so it means a lot that you're supportive through all of this.

You're all the best! Remember, I'm always here to talk if you want, just message me :) Love you guys!


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