Who Is It?

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The next day, (y/n) woke up and stretched. He slept really good this time. He expected kirby to sleep next to him but kirby was no were to be found.,, maybe he just left? '', he thought and got out oh his bed. He looked everywhere for him but he was nowhere to be found.,, maybe he did leave'', (y/n) thought and then just made and ate breakfast, before getting a backing book and choosing a recipe for cookies, since it was December and almost Christmas. When he found one he got everything he needed and began to make some. After rolling the dough flat and wanted to make the forms, he was interrupted by a knocking on the door. When he gave the permission to come in, it turned out it was meta knight.,, Good morning (y/n)! Are you backing cookies? '', the blue knight asked while standing next to him.,, Yes, do you want to help me? '', he offered. The knight nodded and helped him. After some time it was done. Both took a seat and started to eat the cookies.,, Hmm..they are delicious '', he gave out.,, yes indeed'', he agreed. They started to talk about the things that bought them joy and (y/n) learned a lot about meta knight's past. Both laughed and talked until both agreed to play some games.,,So do you have some games in mind?'', (y/n) said.,, Hm.. No... '', the knight talked.,, Except dirty ones'', the knight smirked and blushed.,,Oh! I know a game!' ',he spoke and looked to his switch.,,Let's play some multi-player games on my switch!' ', (Y/n) said and meta knight agreed to this. Both played for about 2 hours until it got boring and so they went for a walk in the forest nearby.,, I have to say, it's always refreshing going in the nature'',(y/n) talked while sitting on a tree.,, It surely is' ', said meta knight while looking up at the baby blue sky. Suddenly both heard a sound and meta knight putted his sword out to defend himself and (y/n). The sound got closer and he stand protective before (y/n), making him blush. But then near a bush the creature jumped out.

It was...

Meta Knight x FTM! reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin