21: The Softer Side

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She cautiously walked forward and straight into my arms. She squealed when I lifted her off the ground and sat her on my lap, hugging her tighter. I've missed this little girl. She's like my own daughter and I always treat her as such when she's with me. I'll do anything for Katelyn because that's how much she means to me, even if it means dying to keep her safe and protected from harm.

It's always been this way too.

When Black came to me worried and revealed that Majesty was pregnant, I actually wasn't surprised because the way they went at it, it was bound to happen sooner or later. My only concern was the relationship they had. It was more so a love hate relationship. One minute they were on good terms and the next they weren't; it was toxic. Black had tried countless times to make it work but Majesty always did the most to try and get a rise out of him because she found joy in doing that. They were okay during the pregnancy but once Katelyn was born everything turned to shit. She tried to keep the baby away from Black and wanted him not to be in his daughter's life, all she wanted was him on child support.

I wasn't having that and neither was Black. He may have been scared at the start but he genuinely wanted the baby and he was ready to step up to be the father that his little girl would need him to be. Of course when fighting what Majesty wanted to do, she tried to bring her drama over here. Key word, tried. I shut that shit down real quick and she's never stepped out of line with me again. It took her a year of co-parenting before she came around with Black and apologised for being the way that she was. They're okay now but I think that's because they're not around each other a lot. She does start unnecessary drama sometimes but he knows how to handle it.

"I've missed you ladybug!"

"I missed you too." She leaned back and looked into my eyes before pointing at Gianna. "Is she your wife?"

One thing about this girl, she is extremely smart. She knows all her different words and has an insane vocabulary.

Black chuckled and Gianna giggled nervously as I looked at Katelyn in amusement. This child is something else.

"No, she is uncle's friend. Did you say hello to her?" She shook her head. "No? But she said hello to you ladybug."

We all laughed when she hid her face and started giggling. It's crazy because growing up I never really wanted kids but as soon as Katelyn came into the world, something inside of me changed. It was when I held her in the hospital and stared down at her in my arms when I realised that I wanted to feel what Black felt when he held his daughter. I knew then that one day I wanted to become a father but I also knew that I wasn't just going to have a baby because I wanted one. It would have to be with the right woman and when the man above wants it to happen.

"Come on babygirl, don't be shy." Black said softly, bending down beside us and tickling her stomach a little. "Gianna is a princess too."

That instantly made Katelyn remove her hands from her face and look at her dad.


"Yep. She has a castle and everything."

Her jaw dropped and she turned to look at Gianna who was trying to hold back a laugh. I was too. Black always went above and beyond when it came to his daughter and it's no question that he suited fatherhood. He and I busted out laughing when Katelyn sprang out of my lap and ran to Gianna, wrapping her arms around her and holding her tight.

"A princess like me! A princess!" 

Now queue Katelyn never leaving Gianna's side because once this little girl likes someone, especially when it's someone new, she'll never leave them alone.

Perfect Fit | August AlsinaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora