Arc 0-Chapter 1: Stranger's Awakening

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AN: This picture is of our protagonist up here. *points up*

He hears a strange rattling sound, snapping him awake, his senses coming back. It was dark around him, he didn't know what was going on. He then heard the weird rattling noise again and it made him alert.

"What's that noise?" He asked himself, then realized his situation. "Where am I? Why is it dark?! And cramped...?" He reached up and touched the surface, finding it both hard and cushion. What the hell?

"Crap! People are coming. Gotta get a uniform while..." He hears a strange voice.

"Hello? Is someone out there? Let me out, please!" He called out, but the voice didn't seem to hear him.

"Grrr! Dammit! The lid is too heavy. Time for my... Secret Move! Ffnnahh! There!" Suddenly the lid of whatever he was in, flew off and blue fire surrounded him.

"What the-? F-Fire?!" He exclaimed.

"Okay, okay. Now for the... Whaaaaa! Why are you awake?!" When he looks up at the source of the voice, he was stunned. Floating in mid-air was what looked like a cat with gray fur and blue eyes, blue fire literally burning from in his ears and a black striped white bow tied around his neck.

"What the-?! A talking cat?!" He exclaims then notices the room. "Are those, floating coffins?" He thought then looks down to see he was a coffin like them.

"Hey!" He looks back to the strange creature. "Just who are you calling a raccoon, and cat!? I am the Great Lord Grim!" The creature, Grim, fitting name, says. "Well, whatever. Hey, human! Hurry up and give me those clothes!" He demanded.

"Huh? My clothes?" He thought confused then looks down at his clothes, only... "What the hell?! These aren't my clothes! When did I change into this?!" He found he was now dressed in some sort of strange uniform.

"Hurry up and give me that uniform!" Grim demands again, directing his attention back to him

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"Hurry up and give me that uniform!" Grim demands again, directing his attention back to him. "Otherwise... I'll roast ya!" He threatens as the blue fire sparks again.

"Okay, this has got to be a dream because no way a flame-breathing, talking cat, is real!" He exclaims in shock.

"I already said I'm not a freaking cat!" The creature said angrily with his blue fire flaring again. He quickly jumps out of the way, and runs out of the room.

He searches for an exit, but finds himself all twisted around in the strange place he found himself in. He runs down a hallway, through a courtyard, opens a door to a strange room, that looked like a classroom, then ends up in what looked like a library, with floating books. He decides to take a rest and try to figure out his odd situation.

"Oh man... Just where is this place? And what was up with that creature, and that weird room with all the floating coffins?" He thought trying to theorize an answer. "Wait, coffins...? And I was in one. No way, am I dead?! Is this the afterlife? Wait a minute, if that's the case, how did I die then? The last thing I remember is..." The boy was so lost in thought, he didn't notice something approaching him.

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