Family (CH8)

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(Not doing the glitchy voice anymore, for now on it's gonna be underlined when Error speaks)

Cross's POV:

          I was in my thinking tree daydreaming about Dream, hehe, irony. Then I heard Ice scream her lungs off! It sounded like whatever happened I wouldn't be able to run there and be on time so I opened a portal, I slightly looked to my left and saw her running from the Star Sanses, Dream was about to shoot her with his arrows so I grabbed her while using my magic to open a portal on the other side of her right into Nightmare's lounge in his castle. The arrows pierced my side instead. thank Asgore! 

Dream's POV:

          "DAMMIT, NO" Now he'll never like me... "She got away and I shot the love of my life! Isn't this just great..." I said out loud to myself. "Hey it's ok, we'll get her next time!" Blue cheered, "And I'm sure he still loves you!" Ink finished. This made me smile and cheer up, "Yeah, maybe."

Glitch's POV:

          I was bandaging Cross since I couldn't use magic, but there was something nagging at me. "Why did you save us? Even after we were so mean..." "Because you're important to me, you're like... My mom" "Yeah" Killer said in agreement, Horror and Dust agreed by nodding. "And you're like an actual sister to me," Error as well agreed I'm like family. Nightmare spoke up as well, "You may not be like family, but you're one hell of a best friend!" I smiled feeling warm and safe with my... Family. "Thanks guys," I finished putting bandages on Cross.

          "Now let's try to get this off," I tried touching the collar, nothing yet. I grabbed it and tried to yank it off but I got shocked. It hurt like fuck! "AAAAAA- agh!! Goddammit!" "Now we're screwed, if Glitch is kidnapped or something, I'd die!" Nightmare looked genuinely scared for my safety. It felt nice knowing he cared deeply for me, "I'd be lost without her as well, I'm sure we all would." Cross said, everyone nodded in agreement, some even mumbled "Yeah."

~later around 8PM~

          I was sitting on the edge of the roof of Nighty's castle when I saw Killer and Cross exiting, probably another guy night. Heh, I waited for a minute till they were a few feet from the entrance, then I jumped off, spread my wings, and flew towards them. I swooped them up just then, they both screamed like little girls. "P-put us down Glitch!! N-now!!" Cross demanded, "Calm down, I'm not gonna drop you. Now tell me where ya'll are heading." "G-grillby's i-in Undert-tale" Killer replied trying to hold on, "Got it, now open a portal" Cross opened a portal and I flew through straight to the classic Grillby's. I put them down on the ground gently and landed behind them.

          "May I join since I gave you the ride?" They looked at each other, shrugged, and looked back at me then said I could. Yay! I get to spend time with my children. I was the only one who got drunk, so they had to drag me back home. I don't remember a single thing from that time, but apparently Cross and Killer sure in the hell did.

Killer's POV:

          She had gotten drunk, isn't that nice. I was nervous, mainly because I didn't know what type of drunkie she is. Turns out, it didn't at all seem like she was drunk. But it was an eerie silent she let off, the entire way home she didn't say a word. She wasn't sleeping, her eyes were wide open, she wasn't dead, we could hear her breathing because of how silent it was. So we got up, "Ay Glitch, can you fl-" "Carry me bitch! My legs don't wanna agree with my head." Me and Cross were so confused, but I carried her anyways. 

          We saw Sci talking with the rest of the team. "What happened with her?" Dust asked, "I'm clearly sick you fucking dumbass!" "No, she's drunk- OW" She had hit me upside the head, "SICK, s-i-c-k, sick!" She spelled out, "Can I take her home?!" "NO, YOU'RE PUTTING PRESSURE ON ME, YOU DON'T DESERVE NO LOVE" She sounded like she was letting her heart speak, damn. He looked deeply hurt, he deserved it though. "BAHAHAHAHAHAH, I think I like this Glitch better!" Nightmare spat out while laughing his ass off.

          "HMPH" She stuck her tongue out at everyone, it spread joy around the room, some even giggled at her. She really was like a mom, spreading joy within her family. "Now take me to the couch my child! And get this peasant out of here brother!" She pointed to Sci and Error replied with "Gladly!" As he picked him up and threw him through a portal and closed the portal.

          I then put her where Sci once was, and then I sat next to her. She started crying, "Sci don't love me! He just wants to use me for his stupid experiments!" I comforted her knowing she's just speaking her mind, she usually bottles it up. "Why do I find this entertaining?" Horror asked, "Because you're a meanie!" Glitch replied in between sniffles and hics. I just giggled under my breath, she puffed up her cheeks while cheering up about halfway, like a child to be honest. 

~The Next Day~

Glitch's POV:

          I woke up on the couch, with the worst hangover ever, Ugh. So I got up and went to my room only to hear someone ravaging through my things, I went to my door to listen carefully, I heard an unfamiliar, but at the same time familiar voice, "I think I hit the jackpot here!~" He had whispered loudly, he sounded like Nightmare but more... raspy, and deeper. "Now I wonder where little Glitchy girl is~" I heard him start to walk to the door, as soon as he opened the door I summoned my ice sword and pointed it straight to his neck. "GAH!!!" And then I was face-to-face with... "HATE??!!!" "That's me, heh...

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