Part Three

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I got on my bed and unlocked the window. I opened it and slipped out with my bag. I've been doing the same routine for only a month now. I'd slip out the window so he doesn't have the chance to reach me. Last time, he caught me sneaking back in and hit me with his big heavy hands across my cheekbone. It wouldn't happen this time though. I had a plan this time. I would sneak out and go to Boston's Ice Cream Shack. I used to go with Jackie's mom all the time until Uncle Will said she wasn't allowed to take me anywhere but home from school. It wasn't a long walk. Only maybe 10 minutes. I got to Boston's and went inside. "Alice, long time no see?" Boston, the owner, asked as I walked through the door. He walked over and hugged me. He was in his late 20s and he was really built for an ice cream shack owner. There was always some woman in there trying to flirt with him. I don't think he ever got the hint. I sat at the bar. "Hey, where is that one friend of yours... Jackie and her mom?" He asked me. "Haven't seem them in a while.' He added. I shrugged. "Everything okay at your Uncle Will's house?" He asked. I nodded. "Oh my lord. What is that on your face?" He asked and sat next to me. I glanced at him. "I fell out of my bed." I told him and looked away. It hurt to lie to him, he seemed to be the only one it hurt to lie to. "Well, if you say so." He said and hopped off his stool. He got 2 frosted mugs and filled them with his famous root beer float. He brought one over to me and said, "Its on the house." He sat back on his stool. The door opened. I turned to see who it was. It was Chris and his friends. Boston turned around. He looked at me and sighed. They sat down at the table near the door. There wasn't really much of a reason for me liking Chris beside the fact that he's cute but I don't know why, I just did. I looked at Boston, he shook his head. "Do you want to take their order?" He asked me. "You would let me do that?" I asked. He nodded. He handed me an apron and a notepad with a pen behind the counter. I put the apron on and sighed. Here we go.

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