Selene sighs softly. Did I mess up? I feel myself starting to cry. She turns and smiles softly. I look up at her.
"You seem to replace
Your brain with your heart
You take things so hard
And then you fall apart
You try to explain
But before you can start
Those cry baby tears
Come out of the dark
Someone's turning the handle
To that faucet in your eyes
They're pouring out
Where everyone can see
Your heart's too big for your body
It's why you won't fit inside
They're pouring out
Where everyone can see
They call you cry baby, cry baby
But you don't fucking care
Cry baby, cry baby
So you laugh through your tears."
I look down.
"Cry baby, cry baby
'Cause you don't fucking care
Tears fall to the ground
You just let them drop
You just let them drop
Cry baby, cry baby
You're all on your own and
You lost all your friends
You told yourself that
It's not you, it's them
You're one of a kind
And no one understands
But those cry baby tears
Keep coming back again
Someone's turning the handleTo that faucet in your eyes
They're pouring out
Where everyone can see
Your heart's too big for your body
It's where your feelings hide
They're pouring out
Where everyone can see."
I wipe away some of my tears.
"They call you cry baby, cry baby
But you don't fucking care
Cry baby, cry baby
So you laugh through your tears
Cry baby, cry baby
'Cause you don't fucking care
Tears fall to the ground
You just let them drop
Cry baby, cry baby
You just let them drop
Cry baby, cry baby
You just let them drop. "
I look down. She stops singing as loud then starts in a beautiful quiet tone, "I look at you and I see myself
And I know you better
Than anyone else
And I have the same faucet in my eyes
So your tears are mine."
I look up at her.
"They call me cry baby, cry baby
But I don't fucking care
Cry baby, cry baby
How I laugh through my tears
Cry baby, cry baby
'Cause I don't f care
Tears fall to the ground
I just let them drop
Cry baby, cry baby
I just let them drop
Cry baby, cry baby
You just let them drop
They call you cry baby, cry baby
I just let them drop
Cry baby, cry baby
You just let them drop."
I sit there listening to her sing to me. After a minute of silence I realize that the song is over. I look up at her. She looks back. I hug her. She slowly hugs back. I try to wipe away more of my tears. They finally stop.
"I know how you feel."
She nods.
"Do you know why you randomly cry?"
"B-Because I'm sad."
"Okay. Same."
I nod. She lays down. She's super small compared to me. I could hold her easily. I snuggle closer. I hear a snap. I'm on her leg.
"Omg! I'm so sorry!"
She tries to smile but is hurting too much. She tries to smile but is hurting too much. She sighs.
"I-I didn't mean to hurt your leg."
"I know."
Suddenly shadows surround it and it heals. How'd she do that?
"H-How did you do that?"
"Wait you don't know how to do that? I thought a male version of myself would spend more time training than I did!"
"I-I don't train much."
"Why not?"
Actually I almost never train.
"I don't like training."
"Why not? Are you afraid of the shadows?" She asks as tears begin to flow.
"Training just isn't for me."
"You worried me for a minute."
"It's okay... maybe you'd want to train with me?" She asks with a small blush.
"Maybe?" I say as I scoot closer.
"Let's go then!" She says jumping up.
"Can you help me up?"
She easily helps me up.
She smiles.
"Will you go easy on me?"
"I'm not talking about that kind of training."
"Oh then what kind?"
"Just general."
"Oh." I follow her. She smiles. I smile back. I look around.
I nod. She smiles.
"Ok!" We train. By the end of it I'm finally getting spells. She smiles.
I smile back, "by the way, why were you blushing earlier?"
She blushes harder. I look at her.
"N-no reason!"
"Oh ok. By the way Thanks for helping me train."
"No problem."
I hug her. She hugs back.

Brittany's POV

Jungkook and I are just chilling. I look around. He sighs. I look down at my hands.
"Um so what all can you do?"
"I can heal. I have spikes, weapons, and a shield."
I have more than that but that seems to interest him Greatly.
I nod.
"I can't do that... I can make my weapon and spikes but that's it."
"So what I'm hearing is is that I'm better than you?" I ask him trying to tease him.
He just nods. I giggle. He sighs. I look around. He lays down. I lay down next to him. He blushes hard. I scoot closer. He sighs. I shiver. He hands me a blanket. I cover up with it. He sighs then blushes.
"You're a nice man, Jungkook."
I smile. He smiles back. I turn over. He blushes hard. I yawn. He blushes hard. I look at him. He looks away.
He hugs me. I hug him back. He kisses my cheek then backs off. I giggle. He blushes. I crawl into his lap. He sighs. I look around.
I look at him. He blushes harder. I giggle. He looks away. I look down at my hands. He kisses me again.
"I want more kisses!"
He blushes hard. I giggle. He nuzzles up against me. I kiss his lips. He nuzzles me. I get on top of him. He blushes hard. I giggle. He sighs.

Jin's POV

We were arguing then suddenly I hear something.

Brittney's POV

I see a wendigo in the hallway. W-Why is a wendigo in the hallway? Probably fighting. Well let's get Kamala... I get Kamala.
She smiles and says, "breakfast?!"
"I eat wendigos."
"Oh right then yes."
She walks in there we see Jin and Suga frozen by the window.
"Can you hold him so I can help them?"
I nod. I shut its mouth with crystals. She melts the ice around the duo. I smile. She turns into a dragon with the duo watching. Jin seems frightened. She eats the wendigo whole. I smile.
"Cool." Suga says.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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