two. (papa don't preach.madonna)

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I sat restlessly, as Mr. Perkin taught todays' Stats lesson. However, I was lucky enough to have this class with Cameron and Ferris, although we had a tendency to "goof off"... the words of Mr. Perkin himself.

The three of us sat side by side, I in the middle, often passing notes and playing footsies underneath the desk, much to Cameron's disinterest.

Ferris reached his foot over mine to forcefully kick Cameron in the shin.

"Damnit, Ferris! You're so childish!" Cameron seethed, trying not to cause a scene, now snaking his foot over mine to hit Ferris back.

"Guys, shh!" I whispered, actually paying attention to the lesson, as we had a final this Friday.

"Pass this to Cam." Ferris whispered, handing me a folded up piece of paper. I took the liberty of opening it myself before letting Cameron receive the message.


I read the chicken scratched handwriting, folded up the note, and turned to Ferris. I knew exactly what "skipping" entailed when it came to Ferris. Last time he talked me into skipping, we ended up at an aquarium.

"Cam's not gonna like this..." I began.

"Cam's not gonna like what?" Cameron asked, now taking the note from my hand.

He eyed the note himself, rolled his eyes, and gave Ferris a stern look.

"Seriously, Ferris? You've already missed nine days. I haven't missed nine days in the almost thirteen years we've been in school." Cameron went off.

"Told you." I said, crossing my arms, slumping down in my seat. I knew what was to come.

"It's Senior year, Cameron! We don't have very many more opportunities to do stuff like this. Pretty soon we'll be graduated, Heather will be off at some university-"

"Ferris-" I interrupted, but he kept going.

"Cameron, you hardly do anything fun, it's already been a whole battle trying to get you to agree to go to that party this coming Friday. We won't be kids for long, Cam." Ferris argued.

"Do what you want, whatever it is that you're planning to do, I'm not in on it." Cameron stated, his lips closing in a thin line. That was his go to look when he was real frustrated.

"I'm in." I said.

"Wait, really?" Ferris asked.

"Yeah, I hate to say this but you're somewhat right." I admitted. "We won't be students at this dump for too much longer."

"Alright! Look Cameron, Heather has some sense." Ferris said, only to receive an eye roll back from Cameron.

"It's okay, Cameron. I know your dad wouldn't be too happy..." I said, giving Cameron an apologetic look.

"Yep, the old bastard would probably put a bullet in my head." Cameron sighed.

I took the words in, knowing Cameron was right. Of course his father wouldn't shoot him, maybe, but his dad wasn't the greatest and if Cameron so much as thought of skipping the day, his dad would not be pleased to say the least.

"Hey, have you thought about what you're gonna wear this Friday?" I asked Cameron, eager to change the sore subject.

"I was hoping you'd help me." he admitted, his cheeks now turning the slightest shade of pink. "I know if I ended up dressing myself, I'd be the butt of the joke at that party."

"Give yourself some credit, Cam. You just sometimes dress like an old man, that's all."

Ferris snickered at my words, and I softly punched his arm.

"At least I don't dress like I'm blind." Cameron shot at Ferris.

"Hey now... Sloane likes it." Ferris said, cooly pulling his shades down onto his face, now reclining back in his chair.

"Whatever, Ferris. Cameron, I'd be pleased to get you dressed on Friday." I smiled, now getting back to focus on my school work.

Friday couldn't come sooner.

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