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After our heated moment, Draco ignored me. He began messing around with Daphne Greengrass. He made it so obvious. He would kiss her in front of everyone or slide his hand up her thigh. He would look at me every time. I learned to stay and forget him.


  Three months later

   I was in the library with Hermione studying for a herbology quiz. Neville helped us too because he was extremely smart with herbology.  Professor Sprout's favorite student. It was really peaceful until a loud bang came from outside following screams.

   We walked out into the corridor where people were running and smoke came from outside. As we waved smoke out of our faces, a tall ginger came walking out of the smoke cloud. His hair was standing and his face dirty. I broke down into laughter where he caught my eye.

    "Y/N! just who I was looking for" Fred said walking towards us, "How did you make that smoke bomb thingy."

   I laughed, "Really Fred, one of the pranking kings asking someone else for help on a prank? I don't believe you don't know how to make it."

   He waved his hands around showing all the ruckus he has caused, "Yes. Y/N I know how."

   I rolled my eyes and grabbed his wrist. I waved to Hermione and Neville before taking Fred to my dorm. Flipping off all the slytherins giving us dirty looks, I took him to room. I had my own room same as the others so it was just us. My old roommate left.

   I took him to the bathroom and wiped off his face. I took his clothes and ordered him to shower before I would teach him. I shut the door and put his clothes in the wash. I walked towards my cabinet of pranking supplies and pulled out the ingredients. It was a simple potion I didn't understand how he could make fireworks but not this.

   I walked over to my desk  and set down my cauldron.  I set down the ingredients and laid down on my bed with a book waiting for Fred to get done. After about five minutes, I walked over and took his clothes out of the wash and set them inside the bathroom door.

   I could hear his voice singing a slight tune. I resumed reading my book. After about eternity he stepped out. I motioned for him to join me at my desk. He listened and sat next to me.

   "So is the magician going to reveal her secret" He asked

   "I don't know. maybe"

   I started with putting (totally not names from harry potter) dragons tounge in the pot. I added Pink snake venom. I tossed in gingertail, raspute, and olivegin into it. For the smoke color, I added orange ink. I purposely was going to get the last ingredient wrong.

   "Now the last ingredient is hangmans urgula." I said grabbing it.

   "Actually it's a rat eye" He corrected

   "Ha I knew it. You Know how to make this. Why did you lie. And why did cause a scene?"

   I added the rat eye and looked up at Fred. His eyes were filled with lust and love. He liked me. He caused a scene to get my attention so he could get me to teach him so we could be alone. I cupped his face and pulled him into a kiss.

   He kissed me back and stood up. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. My school skirt rid up and held onto my bum. He pushed me against a wall and we made out. I casted the silence spell over the room and resumed.

    He began unbuttoning my top exposing my Black bra. He kissed the top of my breast tearing away the rest of my shirt. He brought me to the bed and laid me down. He lifted up my skirt and started tracing my thigh. He  brought down his lips kissing me up my thigh.

He began eating me out. He fingered me while eating me out. He paused for a second thinking about something.

"Hey y/n, can we try something?"

"Yea sure anything you like"

Oh what he was about to do wasn't what I expected. He came up kissing my lips. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a long pocket knife. He flipped me over so I was on all fours. He traced the knife down my back.

"Every time you make a noise, it goes deeper"
He whispered into my ear, "Safeword is stop."

He pulled it out and began at my entrance. I was a little scared. This man is bigger than Draco. I relaxed a little bit and he entered inside me. There was pain at first but it went away. He had one hand holding my ass and the other one trailing my body with a knife.

He started going faster earning a little moan from me. I felt the knife dig a bit into my back. I couldn't tell any pain from pleasure. I bit down on my lip as he went deeper in. I threw my head as a tear slipped down my face.

He didn't notice and i wasn't really in any pain so I didn't stop him. He pulled out and laid on the bed. I got on top of him riding him. I began spelling coconut and he threw his head back in pleasure. He began to grunt. I even bounced on his thing for him.

He was still dragging the knife around me and I didn't mind. I knew he was close and so was I. We came together and I fell next to him. I used the fetus deletus spell. We fell asleep in each others arms.

I woke up still nude in Fred's arms. I skipped off the bed and started for the shower. I grabbed my clothes and a towel. I shut the door and turned the warm water on. I stepped in and the bathroom door opened. Fred stepped into the shower with me.

"Merlins beard y/n your gorgeous." He said

I giggled and he took my shampoo and began washing my hair. I helped him and he helped me wash. He touched my sides and I started squirming. He just learned I'm ticklish. He used this info and started ticking me. We were laughing and I took soap suds and drug them across his face.

He did the same as we threw suds at each other. Eventually we stopped and he studied me. The water running off his wet hair hit my face. This man was mighty fine.

"Y/N, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go on a date with me today in hogsmede?"

"Yea Freddiekins"

"What was that?" He said as he resumed tickling me.

We dried off and he left to get dressed in his dorm. I got dressed too and an hour later we met up getting ready for our date at hogsmede. We went to the three broomsticks were he proceeded to ask me if we wanted the label of boyfriend and girlfriend. I said yes ofc.

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