See, Min Lila was not your average comic book character. For as long as she could remember, she could change the stage. Say things whenever. Move whenever. Act however she wanted. Yet she usually didn't for the sake of the storyline. It wasn't worth the chaos. Being free in the shadow was enough for her. 

But she didn't want Eun Dan Oh to get hurt, even if the girl wasn't the version which Lila adored in the last world. 

Lila was also smart enough to know that it was too risky to change the stage as a main character. That's why she roped in the nameless, mute extra who she sometimes bothers in the library and seemingly has the memory of a goldfish for help.


"Shin Saemi's still bitching on and on, it will take a while. On my queue, you start to walk down the stairs okay?" She mumbles under her breath as they linger near the red marble steps in the entrance hall. 

She merely receives a blank stare back from him. Lila can only sigh and pray for this plan to miraculously work. Her heart pounds as Yeo Juda pauses to talk to Namjoo on the stairs. 

Namjoo grabs Juda's wrist. "Hey, wait a minute."

"Okay go, go. Now, now." Lila practically shoves the voiceless extra down the stairs, waiting with bated breath as he begins to descend. The backup plan was that she would hover at the bottom of the stairs and catch Dan Oh if needed. So, she follows him down the stairs. Or tries to. 

"Lila?" Kyung clears his throat.

"Yes?" Lila blurts distractedly, watching Shin Saemi's feet like a hawk.

"Tennis practice is today." Kyung frowns at her agitation, glancing to where she was staring. 

 The sound of a scuffle pierces the room. Lila winces. She's missed the timing. Eun Dan Oh soars through the air. Dan Oh's back collides with the silent extra. He swiftly catches her and shields her from the fall.

Oxygen fills Lila's lungs again. She almost smiles. 


Baek Kyung glowers at the sight of his fiancé in someone else's arms. 


Lila very much regrets the decision to intervene in the stage, that very afternoon.

"You have to test 375  male backs to find the person who saved you?" Lila affirms, giving Dan Oh an unimpressed look. "You've lost the plot. I'm not helping with that."


How do I get home? Where is home?

 Lila stands hopelessly in the car park in her tennis attire.  Everyone else clambers into their cars or walks out the school gates with purpose. Her memories are troubling her. She could only retrieve them if something triggered them, like an observation or someone talking about her past.

"Why did you run off if you were going to stand there like a lost puppy?" Baek Kyung drawls, rolling his eyes as his childhood friend jolts in surprise.

"Run off?" Lila questions.

He rolls his eyes again. A habitual occurrence which makes his face seem very punchable.

"Just get in the car. I can see that brat waiting."

She follows his stormy eyes to the younger, skittish boy waiting by the vehicle.

A memory flashes up. It's Baek Joon Hyun, Kyung's younger half-brother who he's hated for their whole lives. And his eyes widen to saucers upon the sight of her.

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