Tartaglia 『 Gift 』

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Words: 1880



You sneezed and grunted afterwards before blowing your runny nose into the handkerchief that you bring along for your ice-fishing. Wearing layers of thick clothes, people might be mistaking you as a polar bear if you ever covered yourself in heavy snow.

"Haha, [Y/N]. I already told you that you don't have to come along."The male stroke your red cheek with his cold palm and you shook your head,

"No way. Today's the last day you're in Snezhnaya before going to Liyue. So I'd rather spend my time with you instead of staying at home and do nothing."

"Oh, I'm touched."He placed his palm over to where his chest was located.

"But it's getting colder. Here, come closer."He offered, opening his coat so the two of you could share your warmth together. However, you turned his offer down politely and shook your head,

"No, no, you don't need to. I might've caught a cold and tomorrow is your big day as the Harbinger. Go with glory."

"Don't say that. You make it that tomorrow is a good day when it's not because we've to part away."He frowned and pulled you closer to him with a slight force, catching you by surprise,

"And no refuse either!"


You couldn't even budge even a millimeter when he had his firm grip on your shoulder to make sure you wouldn't move away. Making it more impossible by wrapped his scarf around both yours and his neck.

"There. Everyone's happy. It's not that bad, right?"

Wordlessly looking at him with a smug smile on his lips, with a heavy sigh escaped from your lips that your warm breath could be seen dancing in the air before disappearing as soon as it appeared, you relaxed your shoulders muscles and continue walking; trying to not make more attention on the two of you—while trying to decrease the hue on your cheeks,

"Whatever you say, Ajax."


That was the last time you saw him when you indeed caught a cold and had to stayed in the thick blanket all day long. You did feel sad that you couldn't give him a proper goodbye but he probably would say that he preferred to not have one or he might have homesick.

It has been months since then. He probably found someone much beautiful back at Liyue so you didn't let your hope up. But there is this little tiny hope for him at least return your feelings.

"One of father's friend's son, huh?"

People keep aging and so does you, your father left you no choice but to get married. How can he say that he wanted to play with grandkids as soon as possible before he dies as an excuse?

Anywho, it looks like he's serious about this matter when your mother left the two of you at your early age and your father is the one who raised you till today. Since he has sacrificed lots of things for your sake, you should return the favor too.

"I heard he was a merchant."Saying to no one particular but to yourself as you rested your head back against the chair, cozy warmth filled the air inside the cafe with palms wrapped around the mug that has the remained hot chocolate.

Eyes slowly shut close and exhaled a low breath. It has been 45 minutes and he hasn't arrived yet. 5 more minutes and it's a cue for you to leave.

Just before you could open your eyes back, a pair of freezing palms were placed over them to let your vision remained filled with nothing but darkness. You guessed it was the guy that you should've your date with but why your heart suddenly starts beating faster than usual?

𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 | 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐭Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang