Cereal at 4am (Belle x Diesel)

Start from the beginning

Harold thought for a moment as he rubbed his chin with his thumb before anwsering. "I think she's inside asleep why?" Harold asked shoving his hands in his pants pocket. "Just wanted to visit her thats all.." Diesel said as he felt his face slightly heat up before he started to head towards the building. "Alright well it was nice talking to you" Harold said. "You too Harold" Diesel chuckled as he looked over his shoulder to watch Harold take off to glide around the island for that night.

He watched Harold until he was out of sight so he could sneak in Belles room through her window instead of asking for the door key because he knew that it would sound suspicious. Though it would look even more suspicious seeing a dark figure like him dressed in all black trying to break into the Search and Rescue. He got a ladder that was usually setting on the ground next to they're shed doors and layed it agenst the railing to the balcony out side her room before he started to climb.

This wasn't his first time sneaking into her room he's done it about 2 times. The first time she invited him over the 2nd was when he left his jacket in her room by mistake, luckly he wasn't to far away and they was all gone so he didn't have to worrie about triggering the alarm system bc she knew he'd come back to get it. However when he got to the balcony to open the window it didn't budge. He tried a few more times, still wouldn't budge. He knew now that he'd have to knock to try and wake her up.

He lightly knocked on the window hoping that any of the other crew member's wouldn't hear him. To his luck she was a light sleeper so she easily woke to the slightest noise. She slowly turned over to face the window setting up to rub her restless eyelids as she got off the bed to unlock the window and slid it up half way before helping him in. "Diesel? What are you doing here is almost...." She took a moment to glance over at her alarm clock setting next to her bed as it red close to 5am. "is almost 5am are you okay?....." She asked worriedly looking back down at him.

"Yeah just uhm.... Look i know it sounds stupid but i wanted to eat cereal but every other diesel had already you know..... Bothered to get up and deal with me in the middle of the night so... I didn't want to bother them again instead i decided to see if you wanted to...."

"Eat cereal at 4am?....." She muttered tiredly. "i don't see why not....." Belle chuckled as she flipped the small desk lamp on to see the room better before the two of them carefully walked down the hallway passing multiple rooms that belonged to the other members before finally getting to the kitchen. Belle turned the kitchen light on low so it wasn't so bright as she got a couple of bowls out of the cabinet for the two of them.

Diesel set the box of cereal he took from the Diesel Works on the counter as he opened the fridge to look for the milk. While glancing around inside the fridge he noticed a Tuna sandwich with Captains name on it. "I assume this sandwich in here belongs to none other then Captain himself?" Diesel softly chuckled as he grabbed the milk from out of the fridge.

Belle half heartly chuckled. "Yeah he likes his tuna sandwiches, though now he labels his foods and so does Flynn when they put something in the fridge since Harold and Butch like eatting what ever is left in the fridge" she giggled. "What about Rocky?" Diesel asked as he started to pour cereal into both they're bowls as Belle took a set at the dinning table.

"He either makes his own food or buys it, and if is not that then when he is in the fridge he normally asks who's food is who's before grabbing anything and i do the same thing" she said. "Now Den owes me 10 bucks" Diesel chuckled. "Let me guess you both had a bet to see if Captain actually ate tuna sandwiches?" Belle asked as Diesel handed her bowl and set his down before setting down. "Yeah pretty much.... Though I'll admit we only did that because we had nothing to do and every one else was out working but us 2 so....." Diesel finished.

"Just as long as you didn't hurt yourself then im not mad" Belle said as they both processeded to eat the cereal he had brought along with him. As they ate Diesel could feel his face slowly start to heat up and before he knew it he was day dreaming about getting to cuddle with Belle, he'll admit she was good to cuddle with.

"Diesel" Belle softly said gently placing her hand down infront of his bowl to get his attention. "H-huh?" He replied. "You were day dreaming again" she softly giggled before moving her hand away slightly blushing. "O-oh sorry.... What was it you were saying?" He said. "I was asking if you just wanted to go on to bed since it seems that were both tired" she said with a soft smile.

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea" he smiled before the two of them got up. Belle took up both they're bowls and carefully placed them into the sink before following Diesel back up to her room. Belle was already in her Pjs but Diesel was still in his regular clothes. "Do you want to change? So is more comfortable on you?" Belle asked as she reached into the bottom drawer.

She then proceeded to pulled out a pair of soft long night pants colord a faded red with black dots on them. "What are you doing with my other pair of night clothes?" Diesel asked before grabbing them to go put them on. "You left them here from the last time you stayed" she softly giggled. "O-oh yeah... I forgot i left them here..... Thanks.." He chuckled.

He took off his black leather jacket to reveal him wearing a usual light grey t-shirt before going to her bathroom to quickly change. While he was changing Belle walked over to the window to lock it before going over to set down on her bed. By then Diesel had already changed and decided to quickly try and fold his jacket and pants before placing them down on the chair next to her desk.

Belle was already under the covers when he turned around, he turned the lamp on the desk off before cuddling up to Belle under the covers. He was some what small compaired to her but not as small as Flynn since he was almost the smallest on the team.

"I love you" Belle softly chuckled as she pulled him closer softly kissing his forehead. "I love you too" he softly said as he nuzzled into her neck as they slowly drifted off to sleep that night, though the next morning, since Belle was off duety, they planned to sleep in.

(I started to work on this around November 11th and just now was able to finish it at around 2am *yes this is when im typing it but I'll probably post it at a later time so more people can see it* but at first i was kinda hesitant about posting it because i knew it probably wasn't gonna get seen as a "good story" but i honestly don't care anymore i had fun writting it and i hope you had fun reading it, like always have a Good Day/ Night!!!! and Happy late Thanksgiving if you celebrate it or not)

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