Because when I read manhwa, usually the background is white. Black (sometimes with fading effect) pertains it's a dream or in the past. So when I read it I thought they are reminiscing the past lol. I was like, when will I see the present time? This reminiscing seems long.

 I was like, when will I see the present time? This reminiscing seems long

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But his expression is really precious

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But his expression is really precious. I love how he was drawn 😂


Dong Gyung is pitiful, but he was consumed with jealousy. I know, it's so unfair how people treat you base on appearance. People are nice if you are good looking and treat you a trash if you're ugly. For example, someone likes you and he's been liking you for a long time. He's an admirer if he's good looking, he's called stalker if he's ugly. This is how unfair our society.

But you know, let's face it. We have a different preferences. Some might find you ugly, some find you endearing. And if you really didnt possess those standard beauty, you can work it out on your attitude. Yes, appearance do matter (let's be honest) but nothing beats a good, mature attitude. It just sums up the package. Your existence wont be base on your external appearance. It's your personality! Sure they wont appreciate you even if you do good deeds all the time, but think of this: you'll get to meet and stay with those who have pure intentions with you. Not because you have a good appearance. They stay because of how good your personality is. Of course it's in you if you let them use you because you have good heart. Being stupid is different from being nice. Remember there's bully when there's someone to bully. You need to fight for yourself. Even if that will cause a painful path. You have to fight for yourself.

But I can't hate Dong Gyung. He's been through a lot. I feel so bad for him. It's not his fault that he is ugly. Those bullies are to blame. Those experiences resulted from having inferiority complex. It was hard to even cheer yourself if you are very down. It's just so hard to even lift yourself up because you don't have the energy and will. Plus, he was jealous of Yuri.

But come on don't put those fingers to the one being bullied! Don't take it out to those who are unfortunate. What's the root of all this? Who made them feel bad for theirselves? Let's not always blame those who are weaker and try to justify everything by pointing fingers to the one who needed help.

I love this manhwa so much, but I have to say that I hated that part where they just shrugged off what that sunbae did to Jaerim. It's definitely the worst! Rape is not a good experience it may put trauma and anxiety. The author should go all the way on expanding the plot if. It seems to me that the author inserted that rape thing so abruptly to just add flavor to the plot, but it didn't mix up well. It left a huge question mark on me.

But!!! Check Incorrigible. It's about Ayeon, the one who tried to rape Jaerim.
Okay he did apologize to Jaerim in the end and in his story but meh, I still don't like how things have easily turned.

 Okay he did apologize to Jaerim in the end and in his story but meh, I still don't like how things have easily turned

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But I'm glad he found his happiness.

But I'm glad he found his happiness

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Btw I love this couple.

Let's say that they haven't really cleared everything but past is past and it seems he got over it. Maybe that time they are still childish. It gave him anxiety, but I want to think that he found comfort through him. In the end it's always him. He was the root and the cause...and the one who he need on his side.

I love the ending. No matter how shaky their relationship is, it implies that they will soon and still end up together.
Yeah I want to see that they are together despite their flaws. I want to see how their issue with each other resolved and they'll finally make up. That's all that matters but let's leave it with our own imagination. The dream kind of sums up what they want us to think.

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