"Well, if I've already told my parents I'm bringing seven guests, and I show up without them, my mom would not be happy with me." The realization of what he said started to hit all of us simultaneously, and one of my signature Riley smiles slowly crept onto my face.

"Wait, you mean-"

"Yup. If you guys are up for it, we're going to Philly!"

I'm pretty sure we all completely lost it when he said that. Farkle and Smackle celebrated in their own special way, Zay talked to Lucas about the trip, and Maya and I became stereotypical teenage girls.

"Omg, we have to go shopping after school on Wednesday. I've outgrown so much of my summer wardrobe."

"Yeah, Riley, I may need your help with shopping."

"Why? Usually you help me so I don't come home looking like a little kid."

"This is the first time I'll be seeing your grandparents, a.k.a. his parents, since we established any sort of relationship. I want to make a good impression on his mom. After all, he is her baby boy. I'm sure she will be looking for any flaws in me."

"I get why you're worried, but relax. You're a rising sophomore in high school, and he's a rising sophomore in college. It's not like you're about to marry him."

"Yeah I guess. So, are you excited to go on a trip with Lucas? Won't this be the first trip you've gone on together since you guys actually became a couple?"

"Yes to both. I'm really excited to show him all the places from my parents' childhoods. There's a treehouse in the backyard my dad hid in, and there's this dive called 'Chubbies' that makes amazing burgers, and apparently the jungle gym is still there."

"Riley, I've heard almost all of your parents' stories. What's so special about a jungle gym?" I was about to answer her when I felt two strong arms wrap around me from behind.

"What are you two girls talking about?"

"Just about the trip. Riles here was telling me about all the places she wants to take you to visit."

"Really? And what's so special about these places in particular?" I gave Maya a glare before turning around so that I was facing Lucas.

"There places that were and are very important and special to both of my parents."

"In that case, I can't wait to see them and hear all of the stories."

About 45 minutes later, dinner was ready. We all helped ourselves and decided to spread out in the family room since there wasn't enough space at the table.

"Hey mom, did Josh tell you about Philly?"

"No. What about it?"

"He's going down there on Friday and has invited all of us to go with him!"

"Josh, that's great, but I can see my parents on my own time. You don't need me there to crash your party."

"Cor, actually, I just invited Riley and all of her friends." My dad got so flustered so quickly, I almost bust out laughing.

"Wait a minute, you said her and all of her friends. Does that mean the boyfriend isn't invited?" He said so full of hope. Even though he's acknowledged the relationship, he still wants me where he can see me.

"Yes, yes it does. But don't worry. Morgan is living with her friends, so the girls will get her room and me and the guys will take my room."

"It used to be mine!"

"It also used to be Erics, but he doesn't hold it against me!"

"Quit it, both of you. Riley, you are free to go to Philly with Josh, your friends, and your boyfriend. But before you start getting excited about packing and places to see, can I have a quick word with 'the boyfriend'?" I looked over at Lucas, who was as white as a ghost. Everyone knew that if Topanga wanted to talk to you, it was either really good or REALLY bad. I gave his hand a quick squeeze before he walked over to her.

"Lucas, you have been a complete and total gentleman to my daughter. You've always been there for her, you chose her, and from the sounds of it, you've always been careful to not do anything to or with her without her consent. So understand that what I'm about to say comes from my position as her mother and not the position of someone who knows you." He silently nodded for her to continue. "If you, in any way, hurt my precious daughter, if she comes back from Philly with the slightest cut, bruise, or sign of depression, I will personally look through you and your family's legal files and come after you with everything I've got. Understood?" He quickly nodded his head and she smiled at him, signaling for him to return to the rest of us.

After dinner, a couple movies, and some card games, we all decided to get ready for bed. I headed into my room with Maya and Smackle behind me while the guys stayed in the family room. I had blown up a couple of air mattresses in my room for the two of them. We talked while we got changed and took off our makeup. We mainly just talked about the end of the year and our upcoming trip. Smackle had met my grandparents, but had never been to Philly, so I told her all about it and the house.

By about 12:30, everyone was in bed and asleep except me. No matter what I did, I couldn't fall asleep. I was too excited about the trip. I decided to go into the kitchen and get something to drink. I quietly tiptoed into the kitchen, careful not to wake any of my friends up. When I got to the kitchen/family room, I looked over at the boys. Farkle was spread out on the couch, Zay was tossing and turning in his sleeping bag, and Lucas seemed to be peacefully asleep in his sleeping bag between them. I quietly and quickly poured myself a glass of ginger ale before I walked over to the bay window in the family room. I looked out the window at all of the stars. It was a particularly clear night, so I could see all of the stars glittering across the skies. I took out the small box I had hidden under the window and went through its contents. It was a box filled with mementos of my relationship with Lucas. I kept it here because it was the last place my dad would suspect me putting this type of box. I rummaged through the contents until I found the little box I had been looking for. I opened the small black box to reveal a singular purple jelly bean. It was the exact box and jelly bean that Lucas gave me at the ski lodge when he chose me. I was looking at the bean, admiring its simplicity and meaning, when I heard a slight chuckle from behind me.

"It's a little late to be looking at a jelly bean don't you think?" I guess he wasn't asleep after all. Lucas walked over and sat across from me on the window seat.

"I couldn't sleep. Too excited about the trip. Figured I'd reminisce about the last trip we went on together. After all, that one had a pretty good ending."

"Yeah, this trip will probably seem super boring compared to that one. No big decision everyone is waiting to hear about, no triangle to break apart." We both chuckled a little bit before I turned my attention back to the stars.

"Have you heard the myth about the Greek Olympians and the stars?" I asked him, never once taking my eyes away from the beautiful sky.

"No, what is it?"

"When something big happened to one of the olympians, like a mortal they cared about died or they won a battle, they would arrange the stars into a constellation to commemorate the event, person, or creature, so that they would never forget it and the memories would live on forever for both gods and men."

"Wow, like a scrapbook in the sky." I closed the box and put it with the rest of the mementos.

"Riles, what's that?"

"A box full of memories. The jelly bean you gave me, my script from 'Romeo & Juliet', the crown you gave me when you brought in the horse, and countless pictures."

"Why do you still keep all of them?"

"They are my constellations. They remind me of important events in my life."

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