Chapter Three

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I only own plot and my characters, the rest belongs to SM.

Chap three

*Edwards POV*

Alice didn't tell me that I was about to run over a human and I growled at her but she ignored me. Then I got a better look at her when she flipped me off. I smirked and disembarked from my car to go in the school.

Why stick around the parking lot when I didn't have anyone to hold like my 'siblings'?

'Edward-' Alice called to me in her mind but I blocked her, not caring what she had to say this time.

The thoughts of the human students were filled with excitement. A new student had arrived. As I looked closer I realized it was the girl I had almost ran over. Images of the beautiful dark haired girl was anything anyone could think about.

I sighed in annoyance. Anytime something small happens they make it out to be a big event and then proceed to talk about it months afterward.

One things for sure, I would not miss this town when we moved after graduation.


*Bella's POV*

Gym was the last class of the day and I sighed in extreme annoyance. In Arizona I only had to take two years but here they make you take it all four.

I wasn't bad in gym, in fact that was a place I usually excelled.

The coach made me dress out in black shorts and a blue top. People in the locker room talked in low voices and I knew they were talking about me.

The small girl suddenly appeared as if called.

"Hello." Her voice was sweet and low, almost hesitant. The locker room became deathly silent.

I just ignored them.


"My name is Alice Cullen. What is yours?" She began undressing and opened her locker which was next to mine.

"Isabella Swan. Please call me Bella." Something about this girl made me want to be nice.

"It's wonderful to have a new student here." She commented. I made a disagreeable sound and took off my shirt.

"I like your tattoo." Alice said. I shrugged and muttered a thanks.

It was a family thing. Every shifter at the age of ten had a tattoo of a double S tatted on their left side. It was intricately designed and showed everyone what I was even if, when they looked at it, they just saw a tattoo with no meaning.

"When did you get it?" Alice questioned.

"I got it last year on my sixteenth birthday." I lied.

Just then the coach blew his whistle for us to join him.

"Today we will be running laps around the gym." The humans groaned.

He blew his whistle and with great reluctance we all got up and begun our laps. Alice fell into step with me. We ran in comfortable silence. Once done we were the only ones not breathing hard. For me that was a warm up. I rolled my shoulders, knowing I would have to shift tonight. Maybe I would go to La Push.


A truck pulled up outside and Charlie got out. He paused and talked to his friend before they said goodbye.

"Bella?" Charlie called out when he came in the door.

"In the kitchen." I answered.

Charlie lumbered in and put his tool box down on a chair. "How was your day?"

I shrugged. "Long. You?"

He nodded. "Same. I'm building this house on a lake a few towns over. My friend will be picking me up until we find you a car."

I felt bad. "Dad, I can always just run to school. It's not that far and you need your truck." I held up my hand when he was about to protest. "If its there when I get up then I'm not taking it and your friend will have wasted time." He agreed and called his friend, telling him not to pick him up tomorrow.

"Dinner will be done in a few minutes. After we're finished I was going to go for a run. Unless you need something?" I added, trying not to be rude.

"No, feel free. Have you called Jacob yet?"Charlie asked.

"I was going to run to La Push tonight and see if I can't find him."

"Good idea." He nodded his approval.

Charlie then left to watch a game and then I called him in to eat. It was a silent meal but I didn't mind.

"See you later." I called as I went upstairs to shift. The huge problem with shifting is that you ended up naked and walking around naked isn't something I liked. The solution to being in a different form and still having clothes just in case was a length of twine tied to my ankle. A shirt and shorts were rolled tightly and secured to my leg.

The warmth of shifting over came me and I fell onto four black fur clad legs. My favorite form was a black jaguar.

I padded downstairs and Charlie opened the back door.

"I'll keep the door unlocked for you." I lightly growled in response and then took off into the surrounding forest.


Vote, comment, fan (I fan back) if I get seven comments and seven votes then I will update quicker. Give me advise or tell me what you think.

Yours S.A.


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