Chapter 15 - The Plan

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Althea's POV

"Cakes and Kettledrums. That's your next big plan, sending a little girl into the darkest parts of the forest alone?" Trumpkin asks, anger filling his voice.

"It's our only chance," Peter says.

"And she won't be alone." Susan chimes in. The Kings and Queens have been mulling over this plan for a few hours and finally brought the group together to explain it to us. Caspian is sitting next to me on a small staircase, only listening.

"Your Highness?" I say meekly, standing up. "It may not be my place to speak, but I believe you are needed here more than anywhere else."

Susan looks at me, her eyes narrowing. Caspian stands beside me, probably confused by what I'm saying but ready to back me up regardless.

"So you're saying she should go alone?" Susan asks.

"Of course not. I'll go with Queen Lucy instead." Caspian tenses and everyone looks at me. "I know these woods like the back of my hand. I can get her to safety and you can stay and lead the archers."

I look to King Peter as I explain. He gives me a long hard stare before lightly nodding his head in agreement. Trumpkin turns back to Lucy but I don't hear what he says because Caspian leans down to me.

"What are you doing?" He whispers, looking concerned.

"Queen Susan is vital to our victory. I'm not."

"You're vital to me. Stay so I can protect you." He pleads, his large hands wrapping around my small ones.

"Caspian..." I'm snapped back to the conversation of the room when Trufflehunter speaks up.

"Nikabrik was my friend too, but he lost hope. Queen Lucy hasn't and neither have any of us."

"For Aslan," Reep says.

"For Aslan," A large brown bear repeats.

Caspian leans toward me again, his hands tightly holding mine.

"I wish you would stay, but..." His voice trails off but I understand what he's trying to say. His eyes light up and he looks like he's thought of something.

"We have to hold them off until Lucy and Althea get back," Peter says.

"If I may, Miraz may be a tyrant and a murderer, but as King, he is subject to the traditions and expectations of his people," Caspian explains, moving towards Peter. Neither of them looks hostile anymore as Peter genuinely listens. "There is one, in particular, that may buy us some time."


The hours that I lay here trying to sleep feel like minutes. I'm the first to wake up. Lucy is standing above me and lightly shaking my shoulder.

"Sorry." She whispers.

Caspian never came to bed, along with many of the Narnians who wanted to do everything they could to prepare for the inevitable battle. I would've liked to see him before we left but I know he'll be okay.

I grab my daggers from under my bed, leaving my bag before I follow her out. We walk quickly as she leads me back to her quarters, still seeing no sign of Caspian. Susan is awake too and has changed into a leather armor dress with chain mail sleeves, perfect for an archer. She doesn't seem upset or angry with me so that's a relief.

"Thank you, Althea. It was very brave of you to volunteer to go with Lucy." She says.

"I only wanted to help, besides everyone here needs you." I smile.

Lucy set about trying to find her cloak while Susan gives me a second dress that takes a lot of convincing. This one is also dark blue, but a tad brighter than the one I'm currently wearing. It has a chest plate like hers and matching chain mail sleeves. The only difference is that her chest piece is leather while mine is steel with intricate flower designs on it.

"The least I can do is give you something to protect yourself. Sorry that it's a bit too fancy to be fighting in." She says.

"No no, it's completely fine. Thank you."

"We're going to go ahead and say our goodbyes while you change," Susan explains and both girls leave.

I try to be quick while changing but it's quite difficult to secure everything, with all the straps and such. When I'm finally done I leave and head down the small corridor. Trufflehunter is waiting at the end holding something in his paws.

"These are for you." He says, holding up a pair of steel forearm guards.

"Thank you Trufflehunter," I say, kneeling in front of him. He slips them on my arms and tightens the little belt loops so they are secure enough to not slip off.

"Althea. You're my best friend. Be safe and stay with Queen Lucy." He says, his seriousness catching me a bit off guard.

"I love you too Trufflehunter." I laugh and wrap him in a hug. He firmly hugs me back then we separate saying goodbye one last time.

Lucy and I head down a small tunnel. My heart leaps when I see Caspian waiting at the end with his horse. He's dressed in full armor now and glances at me before helping Lucy up. I fidget nervously with the handle of my dagger. Is this the last time I'm going to see him? What if something happens to him while I'm gone? Miraz's entire goal is to kill him.

He turns around. He doesn't look angry or upset with me, only worried.

"Caspian. I'm sorry." My words fade into a whisper as a lump rises in my throat. He pulls me towards him, one arm wrapped across my back and the other cradling my head. He holds me like it's the last time he'll have the chance and rests his head on my shoulder.

"Just come back to me, Althea." He whispers. My heart breaks at his voice and I pull away just enough to see his face. I cup my hands on either side of his jaw and press a lingering kiss on his cheek.

"I will, but only if you do too." I can't help but try to lighten the mood. I hate seeing him look sad. Especially since I'm the cause.

He helps me onto the horse so that I'm sitting in front of Lucy who has been watching the whole time. The realization of this makes me blush furiously.

"Destrier has always served me well, you are in good hands," Caspian says looking between the both of us.

"Or hooves." Lucy giggles.

"Good luck." He says, handing me the reins. His hand resting on mine for a second longer. He flashes me a smile, a real one, and backs away. I urge the horse forward and we take off through the tunnel.

"Just friends huh?" Lucy laughs.

"Oh shut up and hold on."
Sorry this chapter is a bit short, but I decided to do a double update :)
Hope you guys enjoyed, don't forget to vote, comment suggestions, and follow for future updates.

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