cнapтer 2

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Finally leaving from the crowd, Yumeko made her way towards the restaurant where she was greeted by a waiter who lead her to her aunt. The restaurant looked quite nice, making her feel under dressed. A quick inhale and you could nearly taste the fresh steak that filled the room. The waiter returned after setting the teen down with a menu and notepad. No matter how luxurious the restaurant may be, they seem to always have the same tactics when it comes to taking orders. "Hello ladies, my name is Ryota and I'm going to be serving you today. So to start you both off, what will you like as a beverage? And during the mean time, if you happen to be wondering about our specials for today, they are located on the bottom of your menu." The waiter said with a smile.

"Let's see, I'd like to have your finest wine." Etsu responded without hesitation. Catching Yumeko off guard, she quickly glanced at the menu and decided to play it safe and order a water. "Okay, thank you. I will be back with those, so please take your time to choose from the menu and if you need any recommendations feel free to holler." And with that, the waiter went off to take the orders of the other customers. Observing the restaurant, Yumeko was astonished. The tables had a nice brown furnish, topped with red table clothes and ivory dishes, which was illuminated by the luminescent lights. She hasn't been to a place this nice since she was 16. Even though her father was a wealthy man, he still took Yumeko to places like McDonald's or even a simple ramen shop, which she preferred anyways.

"Did you get everything you needed today?" Etsu asked, breaking the silence. Yumeko then slowly nodded in response. "Do you have any friends that live nearby? I haven't even seen you pick up your phone once after all. I know when I was your age, that was practically all I used to do." Etsu added. "No, not really. I mainly keep to myself, but I could always try to make friends once the university I'm attending is ready to take me in." Yumeko responded. Though she was waiting for the university she applied for to give the notice on whether or not she can attend, she wasn't looking forward to making friends. When she was younger it was much easier, but during her middle and high school years, she was mostly taken advantage of because of her image. Creating trust issues along the way. Breaking her thoughts, Ryota returned with their drinks and the same note pad.

"Here you go ladies, now do you both have everything in order? Or do we need more time?" said the waiter. Etsu, who was fascinated by her drink, signaled the raven haired teen to make her order first. Not having anything prepared, she asked the waiter for a recommendation to buy more time with her order. "Ah let's see, if you're looking for something savory I suggest getting our signature filet mignon, with a side of fresh cut parsley, shipped from Europe and topped with some of are most exquisite seasonings. Though that's what it says, it's really just salt and pepper, but don't tell 'em I said that. But if you happen to be dieting, we do have cucumber salad, which isn't as luxurious sounding, but it is good and light on the stomach. And-" Cutting the waiter off, Yumeko decided to go with a short rib. Shortly after, Etsu went with the filet mignon for her order. After writing everything down, he thanked them and returned to the kitchen.

"Yumeko. Wasn't he a nice looking young man? And he look around your age too." Etsu said with a small smirk. The teen looked back at where the waiter went and back towards her aunt, shaking her head. "Aunt Etsu, I'm not going to find every boy I see attractive you know. Besides I'm not ready for a relationship.." Yumeko muttered. Etsu then took a sip from her drink and returned her eyes to Yumeko. "Oh I know, you're a smart girl. But you're 18, I just thought you might be around that age. Though I get that education does come first, and there's nothing wrong with that. But do enjoy yourself, life is too short, of all people you should know that." Etsu then returned to her drink and looked through the window beside them, watching the cars and building's advertisement light's dance within the night city. Though her aunt has a point, it would be nice to be in a relationship. But she doesn't feel mentally prepared for one. Even if life is too short. The waiter returned with their meals, which were organized on a platter. Turning on the grill, you could hear the meat begin to sizzle. Creating a satisfying effect, making Yumeko realize she was much hungrier than she thought.

Time went by and both the teen and her aunt talked about anything that came to mind. The teen felt quite relieved, knowing that her mind was finally distracted, even if it didn't last long. After finishing up their meals, Ryota returned with the receipt, which had a small sticky note attached. Taking the receipt, Etsu had a smile appear across her face. Standing up, she handed the sticky note to Yumeko and went to go pay for the total of their meal. Examining the sticky note, the teen noticed a number written, signed with the name Ryota Suzui with the words, "Wanna get coffee soon?". Unamused, Yumeko shoved the sticky note in her purse, making her way towards her aunt who was waiting outside the door. "So are you going to call him?" said Etsu teasingly. "Oh.. I don't know, he asked for coffee, but I don't think I'll have time in my schedule. You know, with my appointments and such.." uttered the teen.

"Stubborn as always, you only have your appointments on Wednesday's and Friday's, which are both scheduled in the morning, so you'll have time. Just try it out, it won't hurt. If you want I can lend you my taser." Yumeko then looked at Etsu with concern and slight fear. "Isn't that..illegal? To casually carry around a taser?" Etsu then chuckled and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, I bought it from an alley, but I suppose it isn't illegal until I'm caught." she said which was followed with laughter. "Okay, okay. I don't think I'll need it, but be careful carrying that thing around like that." sighed Yumeko, with a small smile revealing on her face. "Well you just said you don't think you'll need it, so I'm assuming you're going to go?" Etsu responded, "Yes, I guess that's fine, I'm only doing it for you though." Yumeko said. Etsu excitedly hugged the teen. Shortly after the Uber Etsu requested pulled up, she wasn't sober enough to drive after all.

Returning home, Etsu and Yumeko entered the house. Reaching the kitchen, the teen's aunt mentioned a package and letter that was for Yumeko. The woman then said goodnight and made her way towards her bedroom to rest for the night. Walking towards the counter was the letter, which Yumeko quickly opened while also avoiding to rip the letter itself.

Dear Jabami,

We are here to announce your acceptance into our university.  We have sent you our school's pamphlet and merchandise along with it. Feel free to wear it amongst campus or during any prep rallies.  We hope you enjoy your stay, because we certainly will enjoy yours. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us with the information read below. You will be staying in dorm A182. Your key can be accessed once you enter campus, and feel free to make any copies. That is all, and thank you again for applying to Hyakkaou University.
                                                                                                                                                        -  President Momobami

Yumeko felt a rush of excitement and relief. Though multiple colleges reached out to her, she never found herself as amused by them as Hyakkaou. Hearing the history and success from the people that have entered and left that school, it always made her want to be that way too. And maybe she wouldn't feel as much as a burden as she does now. Returning to her room, Yumeko changed and plopped onto her new mattress. Watching her starlight project on her walls, her eyes grew heavy, slowly falling into a deep sleep. Tomorrow was a new day.

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