Episode 2 Prank Gone Wrong [Part 1]

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The next flashback shows Asadab walking around The Underworld Library buying something to read. So when suddenly as he sits down relaxing and enjoying his lifetime, he accidently sit on top of the Flux Bauble that can teleport and sent him to a location straight to Mount Pillar Reservoir. The Danians saw him and were shocked knowing he appeared out of nowhere all thanks to the Flux Bauble. He blushed and begins to sweat. Then he picks up the Flux Bauble and wonder why on earth could this thing be on top of the seat he was about to sit on and relax??? He saw something and saw the paper right behind the Flux Bauble. It reveals "April Fools" showing Yokkis face laughing hysterically. He growls anger throwing paper down on the ground and then stomps it with rage. The Danians on the other hand were confused, and think, what's got into him??

The next flashback shows Yondaf was at the Mipedim Valley hanging out with Qiruar explaining to him about what he learns the new games coming out so far. Suddenly they heard Ghatup screaming, running away from something. They wonder what's wrong with him. And they did. They found out what Ghatup is running away and saw, revealing a humongous skunk growls. Their eyes are now widened in shocked and starts running away like Ghatup did. Soon in Mepedian Dew Farm, the mipedians were doing their own thing as usual, farming. But then they heard screaming ahead and saw those three being chased by that humongous skunk. The lizard people are now screaming in fear as they run away. In the castle, Prince Mudeenu, Marquis Darini, and Prince Iflar were enjoying their time on TV watching the adult series On Demand. But then, they heard something outside revealing all people of Mipedian, especially Yondaf the Danian ran away and screams in fear. They wonder what's going on until suddenly, they saw the humongous skunk chasing away with them. The three's eyes widened in fear. Soon enough, the humongous skunk began to spray around the city and then spray the royals also inside the castle; sending them to crash their back on the wall. The whole city is all now full of rotten egg stench. The royal men got up on to the floor, coughs and gags to get away those stench coming from the skunks spray. Soon the skunks starts running away. The people of the Mipedian and Yondaf gags and coughs in disgust. Yokkis flys with the backpack gears and shouts with his loudspeaker saying, "April Fools!!" Yokkis then begins to laugh hysterically. The Mipedians, the Royals, and Yondaf found out it was Yokkis all along. They screamed out in rage feeling hatred towards that overworlder.

End Of Flashbacks

"Well, Yokkis? Does that even refresh your memories?!" said Mommark with a stern look.

Yokkis laughs hysterically after watching the whole flashbacks. "Oh Heck Yeah It Did!! I still can't get the hang of those amazing past!!! Especially the last part, when I created both skunk and the Perim beast together into one hybrid. These days NEVER gets old."

"That maybe true to YOU. But let me ask you something with a simple question. How would you feel if someone, or any other tribes of Perim especially children could get hurt, with so many injuries. Just like what happened to the flashback we just saw seeing them crying in agony?!!"

Yokkis got confused as he's trying to solve the puzzle. "Um... I would feel bad??"

"Yes, but WORSE!! You will one day feel more guilty and shame if you keep overdoing this with your prank on someone else!! Take this for example, whenever something happens to their family, their friends, and including their home that got destroyed or being killed!! They'll blame you for EVERYTHING!!! And will one day never forgive you, at all!!"

"Oh Mommark, why would they do that?! After all, I'm just the prankster of every Perim that knows a quick way to make them felt for it. Besides, where are their sense of humor?" said Yokkis doubting.

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