Chapter 17: Birthday pt.2

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Previously- Tony- I got it. What I love about Jess is that she is goofy, she listens to people, and she's adorable! Love you Jess.

He said then he kissed me for a while. I pulled away cause everyone was standing around us.

Jess- ok Noah go.

Noah- well I like that you wish the best for everyone and you make everyone smile everywhere you go.

Nikita- aww

I gave Noah a hug then the music started back playing. Everyone danced and talked for a few hours before people started to leave.

I walked over to Tony, Chase, and Nikita.

Jess- Guys I'm a little tired.

I said frowning.

Nikita- Really? It's probably cause you haven't had any booze.

Chase- You know Jess doesn't drink.

Tony- It's your birthday. You can go up stairs and sleep if you want, everyone will leave eventually.

Jess- You're not coming with?

Nikita- Girl you tryna get you some! We can share right?

I rolled my eyes ignoring her.

Tony- Come on let's go, I have some stuff planned for tomorrow anyways.

Tony walked on side of me and grabbed my waist, We both walked upstairs.

Jess- I love you so much, tonight was great.

Tony- I love you too.

He said slowly kissing me on my neck.

Jess- I'm gonna take a shower.

I said giggling cause he was still kissing me.

Tony- Can I join?

Jess- I mean,I'm not gonna say no but I am really tired so no messing around.

Tony- What happened to "we'll enjoy this later"?

Jess- I'm really tired out from the party. We can do it tomorrow though if you want?

I said getting one of his shirts out of his drawer and walking to his bathroom. I turned the shower and made sure it was warm enough before taking my clothes off.

I got into the shower and closed my eyes breathing in and breathing out when I heard the bathroom door open, then the shower door, then I felt arms wrap around me.

I opened my eyes and there was Tony smiling at me. I just smiled back.

Jess- I really did have fun tonight.

Tony- I'm glad you did.

He whispered before kissing my lips.... then my shoulder.

Jess- Tony.

I said quietly.

Tony- What? I can't kiss my beautiful girlfriend?

Jess- You can but nothing else ok.

Tony- ok Jessica.

He said at a low tone. Chuckling under his breath. He continued kissing me on my shoulder then my back.

Jess- ok let me finish my shower.

I told him. He kissed me one more time in my lips then he stopped. I finished my shower while he took his. I got out first and put his shirt in that I had laid out.

I heard music and people talking still downstairs so I put my earbuds in laying in bed. I started listening to She by Harry Styles.

I looked up and saw Tony walk over to bed. He cuddled up and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me.

Jess- Why are you so touchy tonight?

I said smirking at him.

Tony- You're just so... beautiful.

He said kissing me again. He went under the cover when I felt him between my legs.

Jess- Tony

I moaned. He stayed down there for a few minutes when the door opened. I practically jumped out of my skin. It was Noah who opened the door and he closed it behind him.
Tony didn't move he just stayed still under the covers.

Noah- Hey, sorry where you trying to sleep?

Jess- No it's all good.

Noah- ok where's Tony?

Jess- He's um....He's still in the shower.

Noah- well I wanted to talk to you about something.

Jess- Can this wait?

Noah- If I don't tell you now I probably won't ever say anything about it.

Jess- What's wrong?

Noah- I still have feelings for you and I thought they where gone so I got with Dixi but there not and I love Dixi but you.... You're.

Before he could say anything else. Tony came up from under the covers.

Noah- Tony?

Tony- What the f*** Noah!

Noah- No you guys were...

Tony- Yeah Noah she's my F****** girlfriend!

Jess- Noah why would you even...

Noah- I don't know.

I looked at Tony and he wasn't saying anything. I could tell that he was mad. I looked back at Noah and he rushed out of the room.

Jess- That was...

Tony- what would you have said.

Jess- What?

Tony- What would you have told him if I wasn't here.

Jess- I would've told him that he isn't thinking clearly and that I'm with you and all I want right now is you.

Tony- Then where the hell did he come up with this idea that it would be a good idea to tell you?

Jess- I don't know but we can't tell anyone. It'll start way to much unwanted drama.

I said picking my phone back up when I saw a text from Quinton.

Text message

Q- Hey Jess I know it's your birthday and I'm so sorry I didn't come to the party and I'm so sorry for blowing you off could you call me?

End of message

I read the message then called him.

Q- Happy birthday Jess I really am sorry.

Jess- thanks why'd you want me to call you?

Q- She broke up with me.

Jess- who?

Q- the girl I was with.... she said out of the few months all I could talk about was you. I really miss you Jessica.

Jess- I miss you to. I'll come over with Tony tomorrow. We can hang out.

Q- Why does Tony have to come?

Jess-Something kinda happened and I don't think he'll want me over at Sway by myself.

Q- I guess. See ya tomorrow Jess. I hope you had a great birthday.

Jess- k goodnight.

I looked over at Tony.

Tony- Who was that?

Jess- It was Quinton. He wants me to come over tomorrow.

Tony- alright but we can't be there long I have more stuff planned for us to do and whatever.

Jess- I love you Tony.

I said kissing him.

Tony- love you too Jess.

He sighed turning over to the other side of the bed.

To be continued.......

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