Chapter 2: Our Secret

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During your time in the parking lot, you managed to calm yourself down a little. However, you were still severely hurt by what Loona said. Your eyes were now red and sore, which annoyed you slightly.

Out of self-respect, you grabbed a tissue from the glove compartment and wiped your eyes and nose, and the wet steering wheel. You went back to the office to continue working. Once you opened the door to IMP Headquarters, Blitzo stops you and gives you a serious look.

"You're fired!"

Your pupils shrank. "W-what?!"

He laughs, "I'm just fucking with you! Here, you do the honors," and hands you the teleportation book. Blitzo then tells you to follow him to the receptionist area to inform the others.

"Attention everyone, our rookie here is going to use the portal this time, ok? And if I hear anyone say anything negative about this - Moxxie - then be prepared to feel my wrath! Newbies need training, and I am not going to take away what my employees deserve!"

You stood there nervously as though you did something wrong. Blitzo then sums up with "Get ready, people! we will be leaving shortly!"

Millie teased "Wow... now look who became the big man with the book?!" She also noticed your red eyes. "Say, have you been cryin'?"

You blush "uh, no. It's, uh, allergies."

Loona thought to herself as she was listening to the conversation: don't tell me that little shit went to go cry because of what I said

She felt miserable. She didn't mean what came out of her mouth, and she wished that you understood.

Loona went back to doing what she normally did: looking at her computer screen and watching youtube. The time finally came for you four to open the portal and to take care of unfinished business. Your target was a cashier at a 7/11 who oftentimes steals money from the cash register. The client was actually the supposed "robber" because he just so happened to be armed. The cashier shot the client multiple times out of "self-defense", and now he is considered brave and heroic.

The client's true intention was to scare the cashier, telling him to stop stealing money, or else.

When the time was right, you pointed your rifle at the cashier's head. "Ok, rookie. This is gonna be your first kill. Just aim at this fucker's head and we'll be done," Blitzo says as he was grinning from excitement. Because you were nervous and you thought about that stupid incident that occurred earlier, your hands began to shake, and your aim became unsteady. Blitzo responds:

"Um, hello? we're supposed to be killing somebody! Take the shot already!"

This just made you even more nervous. The trigger became slippery and Blitzo yells, "TAKE THE SHOT!"

you shouted, closed your eyes, and fired. The employee's brain's scattered all over the goods behind him and the counter and the floor where he stood turned red.

Blitzo says "Good, now let's get the FUCK out of here!"

You nervously flipped the pages and you placed your finger on a text that you couldn't read. The portal opened and all of you hopped inside.

Many of you took a deep breath and Blitzo took a small notebook out of his pocket and tallied another death "death number 101, perfect."

All of you went back to the office to get you all's stuff. It was time to leave since it was past 5. You tried to be quick about it, too, since you wanted to leave Loona's presence as soon as possible. You thought that she hated you.

Before you walked to the parking lot to go to your car, you take out the piece of paper you were going to give Loona later if she agreed to go out with you. The paper featured a detailed drawing of her that you worked on the night before. You sighed, folded the paper back up, and stuffed it back in your pocket.

When you arrived at the parking lot, however, you see Loona there leaning on your car with her arms crossed. She turned her head to look at you and your heart began to beat rapidly. You walked up to her nervously.

"er- Loona?"

Loona sighs "I will," and flicks her hair.

Confused, you say "... will what?"

She leans closer and speaks in a softer voice so that no one can hear. "Go out with you."

You blush intensely and become excited. You opened your arms and went to give her a hug, but she reacted quickly and pushed you away. Loona was still in the public eye and she feared that one of her coworkers might witness.

She then begins to walk to her car. "come here, dork, we're taking my car." You and her both get in, and you remained quiet so that you won't end up saying the wrong things. Loona turned on the car and began to blast death metal.

eventually, you and she both stopped at a nearby cliff next to the ocean and got out of the vehicle.

Loona pulls a cigarette out from her chest and lights it. You both then sat down on the cliff overlooking the ocean. Since your drawing did not want to go to waste, you thought that it would be the perfect time to show her now.

You blush and say "I- uh- made something for you."

She blows the smoke out her lungs. "Yeah?"

You unfolded the piece of paper from your pocket handed it to her. Luckily, she was very impressed. While holding the paper in her hand, she pointed at it and said "you drew this?"

"Yeah," you say as you blush harder.

"That's fucking amazing! It looks just like me! Do you have any more drawings of me?"

"uh, no. I was afraid that you wouldn't like them, or like me, period."

Entertained, Loona says softly and pleasantly "Oh I like you, now." She takes a drag from her cigarette and you ask, "So why did you say no in the beginning?"

"Oh, don't worry about that. I just didn't want that nerd, Moxxie, to go blabbing to my dad about our new secret."

"Oh. Yeah, I can't really stand him either." You then panic a little, "don't tell him I said that!"

She laughs "it's okay. I won't. Besides, that's common knowledge so if you tell him anyway, it's safe to say that the Earth will still be rotating."

After a short-lived pause, Loona then says "you can hug me now, by the way. I don't think anyone we work with is out here." She buried her cigarette bud in the dirt below them.

you blush and become nervous. Loona goes "ugh!" and she makes you hug her. Suddenly, she feels your arms tighten around her, and she heard a muffled "thank you" in her fur.

Loona pulled out a card and pen and wrote her number on it with a heart. She then hands you the card:

"Here's my number if you want to call me, I guess."

"Oh okay." you smile and blush.

"Ok, I need to get back home before Blitz conducts one of his search parties. How about I take you home, too, while I'm at it?"

"Uhm... yeah that would be nice."

Both of you got back in Loona's car and she continued to blast death metal again. You gave her directions to your place and she drove where you told her to go.

You and she then arrived at your house and she puts her vehicle in park and turned her music down a little. Suddenly, Loona reached over and kissed your cheek. Immediately, your face turned red, and she said "That was for understanding... Now, get out of my car."

You panted and said, "yes ma'am."

In your driveway, you watched her drive off. You caught your breath and you said "wow. that was the best thing that ever happened to me!"

Finally, the night ended with you getting something to eat from your fridge and having sweet dreams of the hellhound. Your hellhound.

I Trust You (Loona x shy M! reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant