Day 4

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Nate opened his locker up, expecting another letter. As usual, the folded pink paper fluttered his way to the ground. He picked it up and opened it with a smile, he really enjoyed these little things he was receiving. If only he knew who was sending them, but he had to wait ten more days until he could find out. It seemed like forever.

Good morning my love, the fourth note you are reading now was in your locker by a shove. I really hope you've been enjoying the things you've been getting, but with the beautiful smile you get you have I've been betting. Don't worry, I'm going to give you something else soon. Let's just say that it involves a spoon.

I love you to bits,

-Your Secret Admirer

Nate didn't really care about what they were going to give him, it's just the fact that they were going to give him something. But..a spoon? At least it was something edible.


Nate went on through only three classes with Sammy. He had four classes with him but he left by then. He kept wondering where the boy would go and why, he just left so suddenly. None of the texts he sent they were replied to. Class became very boring without him there.

He caught up to their other friend Dillon Rupp in the hallway on the way to lunch. "Hey, have you seen Sammy?" he asked. He could've sworn he saw Dillon smirk at the slightest bit, but maybe he was wrong. "I dunno, maybe he's in the cafeteria. That boy stops at nothing to get his food." Dil laughs. Nate laughs along with him because we all know it's so true.

The two walked into the cafeteria, Nate immediately looking for Sammy. He sighed a sigh of relief when he saw him, staring right at him with a smile. Grr, that smile does many things to him. Physically and mentally.

"Sam!" Nate yelled over the loud chatter of students as he reached their usual table. "Hey." "Don't you 'hey' me. where were you?" "I skipped, school was really boring today. Why, you miss me?" "Yes! You had to make me deal with all the torture by myself. You're such a good friend." He sat down across from his love interest. Sammy's cheeks blushed a light shade of pink and Nate smiled a small smile. Dillon left a while ago to get into the growing lunch line. It was going to take him a while.

A few minutes later, one of the cafeteria ladies came out of the lunch line and headed towards their table. She had her hands behind her back with a huge smile on her face. Nate looked towards Sammy with a questioning look, and he shrugged in return.

"I believe this is for you." she handed him a huge sundae cup from Baskin Robbins, a pink note on the lid. She handed him a plastic spoon and walked back to her station.

"Ice cream?" They did say this was going to involve a spoon. He took the note from the top of the lid and read it:

Surprise! You get yet another sweet thing, just because I'm getting you all this stuff doesn't mean I have bling. Enjoy your treat and don't get a brain freeze, I know your friend's going to give you a tease.

I will always love you my Nathan,

-Your Secret Admirer

"That was so sweet of them, I wish I could say thank you though." Nate shrugged. "You'll be able to...soon. Now, eat that ice cream before it melts!" He opened it, some of it dripped out . "Sammy, do you wanna share with me?" Nate asked offering some. "How did you know?" "You always look hungry, and you're literally checking it out like it were a pretty girl." "I'll go get a spoon then." Sammy got up but Nate stopped him. "We can share a spoon." Maybe he could get an indirect kiss if he can't get a real one. "Y-you sure?" "Yeah, we've shared pacifiers before, I'm pretty sure we can share a spoon." Sam blushed and sat back down again.

They sat for the rest of the lunch time enjoying the sundae.

I know I'm a day behind, but I promise it will be caught up by the weekend.

Anonymous Valentine(Skammy)Where stories live. Discover now