We had been sitting for about two hours and I was starting to fall asleep, figuratively speaking. Bora has already dragged herself to the dance floor several times, returning joyful and with the phone numbers of some girls. I only ate and drank, for the most part, watching the rest of the customers.

- Let's go dance? - Bora yells right in my ear, and I winced at the loud voice.

- I have no sense of rhythm, forgot? I'll sit here a little longer, and soon I'll dump home. So find yourself company for the rest of the night.

- What a bore you are, but ...

But I can't hear what she says. Because my eyes and all other senses, as much as they can, focus on a slender figure that goes from the entrance down the steps, into the very crowd of dancing people. And I don't know what the fuck she's doing here, but I can't stop eyeing her.

Bora, realizing that I do not pay any attention to her words, follows my gaze and also looks at her.

- Oh, what a thing, - she breathes, - I would ... get to know her.

- Fuck, - I hiss, - this is Minji.

- What ... Minji?! She glares at her even more. - That Minji ?! The black hair girl you've been having sex with for months ?!

- Yes...

- Wow, - Bora involuntarily whistled, - and what is she doing here? Does she know you're here?

"I don't think so," I shake my head, not taking my eyes off her.

She walks across the dance floor to the bar. All these fucking geeks and majors turn after her. I see these views, I understand that in their dreams they have already thrust it into her several times. Damn bastards hanging out on parental money. And I know that I shouldn't be touched or worried about it, but I want to punch in everyone who looks at her. And I can't stop hating these freaks. And her too. Because I know she likes it. Minji loves these adoring and admiring looks, these hints, all these vulgar comments.

Minji walks over to the bar and orders something. A man in expensive shoes immediately appears next to her and, sparkling with his teeth, says something, bending over her ear. She turns her head, a familiar grin on her face. Something answers and this man quickly sits away from her. And as she turned towards me, I see that she notices me. Looks straight into the eyes without blinking. I can't even describe the emotion on her face. There was definitely a surprise. I raise my hand awkwardly in greeting and nod. Minji just turns to the bar, picks up the pile and knocks it over.

- Is it really her? She didn't even say hello. Bora mutters in my ear, and I want to hit her. Always climbs with her smart comments.

- Exactly, - I turn to her and finish my sweet-sour cocktail.

For about twenty minutes I look for Minji in the crowd. Bora returns with a new portion of alcohol and looks very strange at the same time.

- What happened to your face? I ask, although I honestly don't care. I can't think of anything but Minji.

- Well ... And you ... Well, you are not dating? She asks, trying to make an indifferent face.

- No and what?

- That is, you can see others there, right?

- What are you doing now?

- Maybe you should take a closer look at the audience here? There are very cute girls here.

- Why are you so concerned about my personal life? - I look at her with suspicion, but I smell something unkind.

"Okay, I tried," she sighs and nods toward the dance floor.

I look there, and after a couple of moments I find her. Dancing with some brown-haired girl in high heels.Minji hugs her. The brown head laughs contentedly, and she whispers something in her ear and, Minji, looks at me at the same time. The brown head has her back to me, and Minji grabs her ass and does not take her eyes off me. And I know that this brown head will go to her. Because she chose her for tonight. Bitch. Damn bitch.

But again, I didn't calculate everything. Continuing to torture me with a glance, she leads her palm up the body of the brown head. Reaches the neck and pulls it towards her. Looks at me and sticks her tongue in her mouth.

The brown head is beautiful. At least, as far as I could see her, until Minji turned her back to me to see my face. And they stand and suck like teenagers, and I squeeze the glass in my hand, and I don't even realize it. There is a bitter taste in my throat, and I realize that I no longer want to look at it.

Why did my heart choose her? This girl who doesn't care who to sleep with? I do not know. But I know that's all. This was the last point. And I don't want to touch her anymore. More precisely, I, of course, I want to, but I will not. I tried, tried, but I probably should have listened to Minji more attentively. When she said it was only sex. I can't force her to fall in love with me. If she wants to fuck, I will let her fuck. But not with me.

- I'll go.

- Come on, Yooh! Because of her?! Why ruin the evening ...

- Bora - I cut her off in mid-sentence, - I'm going home. And that was not a question.

- Okay. I understand, I will I come to you tomorrow?

- Call and we will see

I walk past them and see her fucking grin.

I come home and only there I allow myself to exhale. No, I have no tears, no hysteria, I don't even really hurt. No, it hurts, of course, but I understand that there is no point in snotting, as well as whining into the pillow.

Nevertheless, after an hour, damn tears still find a way out, and I feel sad for myself. What did you hope and count on? Still, it was obvious, and the saddest thing is that I can't even blame Minji for this. She told me. She warned. She is not responsible for my feelings. Just me.

Strangers with Benefits (Minji and Yoohyeon)-JiyooWhere stories live. Discover now