-I saw they had something

- So you want something?

- No

I think that I want to take Minji's hand. I glance sideways and see that her hands are also on the armrests. And the palm is so close.

Gently I place my hand over her palm, and I interlace my fingers with hers. She flinches, but doesn't turn her head. Wouldn't she pull her hand out?

But I'm wrong again. I never manage to calculate all kinds of steps with her. This time too.

She is wearing a skirt and a thin jacket. And she takes my palm, which lies on her hand, and puts it on her thigh. Raises her higher, and now my hand is already under her skirt.

I slowly turn my head and quietly ask:

- Are you serious? Here?

- Why are you whispering? There is no one else here.

- But what about the operator? I nod my head back, pointing to the booth above.

- Yes, if there is someone there, he goes about his business. Come on.

Minji demandedly presses my hand to her.

- Damn, what if somebody comes in? - I continue to resist, although my hands are already itching.

She grabs my neck and pulls me to her. Bites, kisses, pulls my lower lip, while breathing hard through my nose. It works.

She had never cum so quickly before. Either a little adrenaline, or the realization that the operator can still see us, but Minji moaned into my mouth after a few minutes.

When the movie ended, we went out into the street. I still decided to ask her:

- Why did you ... agree?

- In what sense? Minji asked discontentedly, turning her head.

- Well ... Why did you accept the invitation to the cinema? I cleared my throat, starting to get nervous again.

- I wanted to have sex in the cinema. It's good that we were alone there. Otherwise I would have to go to the last rows. And I hate sitting that far.

- Only because of this? - I'm sure I could not hide the sadness in my voice.

- Baby, you didn't think I went just to spend time with you? - again an impudent grin, again a raised chin, again eye to eye.

"You know, you don't have to always be that bitch," I said, without even thinking.

- What? Is it annoying?

- Little.

- Angry?

- Just a little bit.

We went to my car and opened the doors.

We were driving as usual in complete silence, when suddenly she hit me on the shoulder and yelled:

- Stop! Stop the car!

I slammed on the brakes and looked at Minji in dismay.

- What?! What happened?!

Minji didn't say anything, just slammed the door and jumped out of the car. I just watched what she was doing. Maybe she felt bad?

But no, the girl sat down on the side of the grass and did something there. There were lanterns along the road, which illuminated the area, but I still could not see what she was doing there, until Minji finally got to her feet and headed back, while holding her hands strangely to her chest.

When she got into the car, my eyes almost fell out. She hugged a small wihte puppy to her. Puppy!

- How did you ... How did you saw him ? - I could only utter, watching how she tenderly holds this small trembling puppy with frightened eyes.

- I noticed in the headlights. The puppy wanted to cross the road, apparently, but he was frightened. Then I saw him - she smiled so sincerely at this little dog that I even envied him. Probably, this was almost the first time I saw her sincere real smile. And she was beautiful. She was so beautiful with this smile and I want to see her smile everyday.

- Now what? I asked, returning to the road again. - Will you keep it for yourself?

- I can't, - Minji answered sadly, scratching the puppy behind the ear, - I'm allergic to wool.

- Where are we taking him then? - I did not understand.

- I couldn't leave him there! I have a friend, she has her own animal shelter. I'll give it to her. He is so cute.

Strangers with Benefits (Minji and Yoohyeon)-JiyooWhere stories live. Discover now