So umm

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I came across this journal, I was interested in what it had to offer, right? It suggested go see their friends fighting journal, so I check it out. There was nothing, like no works or I go back to the journal to let the perdon know there was nothing, and continued reading like a normal person. In the next part they talk about a person named "them" I think, I'm not going to say who the author of the journal is for your safety, because if THEM isn't just a kid then I don't want my viewers getting hurt, I'm also not going to go into much detail because of copywrite...but as I was saying  the talked about THEM being a horrible person, as I was reading something became familiar, them was in the authors friends bio thingy. Someone asked "WTH IS GOING ON!?!?" I stated my theories. I saw another comment...their name was "we're always watching"....they said that all of us are wrong but reading was I'm 50/50 on if AWTOK is real, better to stay...what was the saying???????T-T Imma slightly change it.. better to be lucky than sorry. It's probably just a kid who's like 6 or 5 years old, but I decided to check their account, they had 14 followers now 15 because I'm going to see what happens, and the only person "waw"( we're always watching) was following was the creator of wattpad. What gets me is..WHAT KIND OF TODDLER HAS 14 FOLLOWERS!? Maybe their all following for the same reason I am. So I've done something...I'll follow people who are acting like they could be apart of awtok, or they acting sus of being if I unfollow you, CONSIDER IT A COMPLIMENT!! DO NOT BE OFFENDED! Im also going to start suggesting to read this part on other parts (parts = chapters btw)

-Heather out ♡¤•°○

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