God Callings and Telepathy

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It took until the moon rose for us to calm down about Cold Island. A lot of monsters changed from Plant Island to here, but the new monsters made up for it. Some of the decorations were set for the next party, and this time Petite helped out the other monsters with the lights.

Though I wanted to stay out longer and watch the snow, Kayna wanted me to come with her to the hotel. Not being able to let a friend down, I nodded and followed her to the ice covered building that shimmered with lights. The inside, to my surprise, was very warm and welcoming.

      "I already booked a room third door to the right," Kayna said as she led me to the room.

When we got to the room, we were greeted by bookshelves lining the walls and the star patterns on the ceiling. There was a desk in the corner with maps covering it, and the bed on the other side was snow themed. While I got used to what was around me, Kayna collected the maps and put them away.

      "Hey, Thwok?"


      "About what happened on the skyship..."

      "Whaht, thuh dhweam?" Kayna stared up at me.

      "How did you-"

      "I don't know."

      "I..." Kayna sighed and sat down. "How did we get into this?"

      "Uhgehn, I don't know." I tied my tongue around my neck to try and speak better. "What I wanna know is what thaht dream was about."

      "The...what dream?"

      "The Fahie Island dream?" Kayna stared at me in shock.

      "You...saw that?" I nodded. "But...how?"

      "I think I was in-in...in-vi-si-buhle."

      "Invisible?" Kayna started shaking. I tried to calm her down, but she backed away. "How? Why?"

      "Kayna, cahlm down. Let's figure this ouht together."

She put her hand on my head, and suddenly my vision started to shift. It was black, then blue, and suddenly we were back on Bone Island. I could hear myself talking to Kayna, but when I went to speak I spoke in her voice. This was the first time we spoke about the gods, I thought in fear. The scene turned black, then I was back in the hotel room with Kayna looking up at me.

      "Thwok, are you okay?"

      "Thuh gods." Kayna tilted her head.


      "You remember when we first tahlked about the gods. It's probably a calling of some sort. From Furnoss, and from Galvana!"

      "I...wait, how did you know-" Kayna looked into my eyes and froze. "You...you read my mind."

      "Yeah. At least, I think I did."

      "You. Read. My mind!" Kayna started jumping and dancing with this happy look on her face. I watched as she gathered a bunch of items and hooked them up together. There was a huge lens pointing to a blank wall.

      "Whaht is this for?"

      "Alright, put your hand here," she said quickly as she pointed to a plate of metal. Placing my hand on the metal, I shook as my fur stood up and images were being shown on the wall. There were star patterns and different monsters showing up on the wall. After a while, Kayna made me pull away and the pictures disappeared.

      "Whaht...Whaht was all of thaht?" Kayna smiled at me.

      "Those, Thwok, are who I think are calling for us."

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