Punkleton and the Spook Fest

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New crowds made me nervous. I wouldn't know what I was getting into, so I stayed away from most groups. Some invited me to join, but I had to decline no matter how bad I felt. All I hoped for was that I didn't bring attention onto myself.

I sat alone in my weird costume against a rock, watching the endless night sky. Kayna sat next to me and started naming the star patterns as they passed. It was something about Kayna that made me feel so much better about everything around me. Though I didn't know what it was, I was sure to find out later what made Kayna of all monsters such a great friend to me.

      "And over there's the Plasmic Ooze constellation," Kayna announced with glee. "I think it belongs to some small deity."

      "Whaht mahkes you think thaht?"

      "Well, think about it. Not many monsters are a fond of the constellation, so the deity must be pretty small."

      "Whaht would its name be?"

      "Hmm...what about...Plixie?"

      "Puhfect!" We both giggled as we continued naming stars and gods. Hanging out with Kayna was the only thing I needed then.

From one end of the island, a monster shrieked as it pointed up to the sky. More and more monsters joined in, and soon enough the larger part of the island was chanting a name. Kayna told me that some monster named Punkleton was arriving, and I didn't like the sound of that one bit.

When Kayna and I came to the scene, there was a huge crowd of monsters. Kayna pulled me towards the front so that we could see the monster better. The first thing that I saw was his gigantic pumpkin head. It had leaves on its joints as its bones rattled and shook. Laughing roared from the monster, causing me to cling to Kayna and wish for Bona.


I was only hanging out with a few bats when I saw the crowd of monsters. Flying over with my bat buddies, my three eyes locked on Pumpkin Head. His leaves were so pretty and he was glowing so brightly. Without paying attention, I bumped into the back of Thwok's head and fell on Kayna's shoulder.

      "Woah, are you okay?" she asked. I nodded and sat up, giggling at Thwok as he tried to shoo my bat friends away. The other monsters were cheering for a Punkleton monster, and hearing that name brought music to my ears.

      "Who's ready to scare?" Pumpkin Head shouted. I shrieked as loud as my voice would let me, and the other monsters joined in.

      "Punkleton! Punkleton! Punkleton!"

      "Let the Spook Fest begin!"

Many of the monsters spread out, but Kayna and Thwok stayed where they stood. Pumpkin Head went over and took a look at us. I listened as Kayna talked to Pumpkin Head about me and Big Bro and Thwok. He was the shiniest, funniest, most playful monster I ever saw. This monster was like a dream.

      "Puhtite!" Thwok cried. "A lil' help?" I giggled and shrieked as I flew around Thwok and led my friends away.

It was fun seeing the monsters working together. Some were using rope, others were putting on some slimy stuff, all to scare Pumpkin Head. Down below I saw Big Bro with some blue horned monster. Shrugging it off, I giggled and flew around, finally feeling what Big Bro would call "love".

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