Chapter 01

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Rain continues to fall down as it describes the emotions that she didn't have

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Rain continues to fall down as it describes the emotions that she didn't have.

Or as she thought she didn't.

Droplets of water can be heard in the vast silence, dripping from leaf to leaf before it hits the soaked ground. Grey skies that have no hope of turning white any sooner.

Black clothes, black umbrella, the shade of black that was meant for mourning. Mourning for the life she wished that was still with her. She stood there in silence, not knowing what to say, or if she had to say anything.

The pain of losing her only companion comes back that it had made her completely speechless. Unaware of her surroundings, being completely deaf for a moment. She wanted to cry, bawl her eyes out and show every inch of emotion that was trapped in her chest in front of the grave of her beloved mother.

Even though she wanted to, something was stopping her.

Her inner self perhaps?

She has had enough with these emotions. Countless nights of crying with the attempt to end her life as she continued to question her very existence for days.

Days that turned into weeks.

Weeks that turned into months.

And months that turned into a year.

But something sparked in her. A spark of hope at least? Hope that she could fix herself and stand back up and face whatever is out there.

Claiming her victory once and for all in everything. In exchange for all the loss, defeat, and abandonment that she had felt in her life.

And along with this, she had made the right decision, or is it the right decision so to speak.

"I swear to never, ever, lose again. And no one will be an exception."

She whispered in the cold air while wiping a few tears that was gliding down her cheeks and took one last glance at her mother's grave.

"Dear, our flight is in an hour. We need to go."

A soft voice came as she regained her composure. She spun around, avoiding eye contact so that she wouldn't notice a hint of her teary eyes. And as soon as she steps foot on the vehicle before her, she knew that this is time when she leaves everything from the past behind her.

Without exceptions.

× × ×

Her eyes fluttered opened only to see a ray of light shining through the glass window pane with the light blinding her eyesight for a moment. After her eyes had adjusted to the brightness, she realized that she slept as she was sitting down.

Inside a plane

"We're almost there dear."

She heard the same soft voice again and as she turned to her left, it was her. Her grandmother.

𝐄𝐗𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 ─ 𝘚. 𝘈𝘬𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪Where stories live. Discover now