You want to what????

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"Daddy" came a small voice behind Jeff Tracy.
"What is it Scott?" Asked Jeff
"Daddy, I want to be a pilot" said the small Scott Tracy.
"Sorry? Scott?"
"Daddy, I want to be a pilot"
"Why do you want to be a pilot?"
"Because, I want to be the fastest pilot that has ever flown!"
"Of course you do, Scott!"
"Can I fly your plane?"
"You want to what??" Question Jeff, to his oldest, picking him up.
"Can I fly your plane?" Said the ever so innocent Scott Tracy
"Because you are too young to fly?"
"Because you need to explore your options before you make your mind up."
"But daddy I want to be a pilot?"
"Oh forget I ever said anything Scott" said Jeff, turning away from his oldest son, and walking to his bedroom.

The future:
"So did I tell you about the time a 5 year old Scott, wanted to fly my plane!" said Jeff, sitting down on the log, next too his space kids.
"I think that I have heard this before!" said John, looking at his father.
"What!!!!!!" said Scott, "Dad, what is John talking about?"
"Scott want to fly my old plane."
Scott's reaction, caused everyone else to start laughing. Alan suddenly said, "Why does that not surprise me!"
"I don't think it surprised anyone!" said Virgil, grabbing a marshmallow off Gordon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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